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James Parker edited this page May 29, 2014 · 29 revisions

Hello Nexonians! Welcome to our one-stop shop on how to create your Aura. This guide includes everything you need to know!

Please use the navigational links below to skip to the thing you need to know most, or, scroll down at your leisure!

Note: Some buffs & debuffs do not register in the API as they should. So, no addons are able to detect them at present. See the list below for the 'fakes' that we know cannot be tracked, and for any workarounds we have implimented to help.

  • Dealt Critical Damage - This is a buff that both Spellslingers & Engineers get. It will not register as a buff. As a workaround, use the On Critical trigger instead.
  • Psi Charge - This Esper buff, gained from Tiering abilities, does not register as a buff in the API. As such, it cannot be tracked.

Aura Mastery - How To.

Aura Mastery can be a bit confusing at first glance. Because of the amount of options available to you, it can be a little bit daunting. Use these steps to help you understand what goes where. But remember, the in-game UI also comes with tooltips and friendly question marks incase you need a little extra help.

Step One - Getting it Ready

Step Two - Triggers

Step Three - Finishing the General Tab

Step Four - Appearence & Sound

Step Five - Text

Step One - Getting the basics ready.

  • Open Aura Mastery by typing /am into the chat box. Then press enter. Aura Mastery will then appear (this may take a few seconds the first time after logging in, we're working to get this time down!)
  • You will be presented by a scary looking UI, but don't panic! It doesn't bite... It, just, nibbles. The first thing you want to do now is create a new Aura. To do this, press the 'Add Aura' button at the bottom left.
  • Got your Aura? Great. Now you want to name it, don't you? Name your Aura in the name box at the top left of the General Tab. It doesn't matter what you name it, so long as you remember what it does. You can call it Mr. Fizzlesticks Mcgee if you like!
  • Congratulations, your Aura is ready for its Triggers! Save Mr Fizzlesticks, and lets move forward.

Step Two - Triggers!

The most complicated part of creating your Aura. But don't worry, with this guide it'll be as fluffy as a Rowsdower in no time.

  • Using the '+' add a new Trigger.
  • Name your Trigger just below the dropdown. It will automatically be named 'Trigger 1' at this point.
  • Now, in the 'Type' dropdown, select what type of Trigger you want to create. The list is fairly long, but you can hover over any of the selections for a brief description of what they do. But, for now, we will go into each Trigger individually below!

Cooldown Triggers

Cooldown Triggers do what they say on the tin: They track cooldowns of abilities, innates & gadgets. Remember, for bot abilities, type [Bot Ability] before the ability name. Not all Bot Abilities are supported, only Barrage and Blitz work. We're working on the rest!

  • Enter the name of the ability/gadget you want to track. Remember to type it exactly how it appears in game (including CAPS and punctuation!). As a reminder, innates that come with a 'Stance:' prefix, will need that to be included.
  • Select if you want to track charges (if applicable) by checking the charges box.
  • Track charges? Ok! Now you want to choose, in the dropdown, whether you want to track charges >, <, == etcL to the number you will type in a moment.
  • Type the number of charges you want to track in the box besides the dropdown.
  • Continue the Trigger Guide below

Buff / Debuff Triggers

Why are they together, you ask? Well, because they work in exactly the same way, except one tracks Buffs and the other Debuffs. You can follow the following steps for either! These are good for tracking temporary, persistant, procs and on critical buffs from abilities, bosses, gadgets and more!

  • Type the name of the Buff or Debuff you want to track in the name box. Remember to type it exactly (including CAPS and punctuation!).
  • Choose whether you want to track stacks. Not all buffs / debuffs have stacks, so make sure yours does!
  • Chosen to track stacks? Ok read this. If not, skip to the next step. In the dropdown decide whether you want to track stacks >, <, == etc: than the number you type in the box besides it.
  • Choose who you want to track buffs / debuffs on. Yourself (player) or your target?
  • Continue the Trigger Guide below

Critical / Deflect Triggers

Why are they together? Well, because they work in exactly the same way, except one tracks when you deflect, and the other when you crit. These are good for letting you know when abilities that can only be used after crits or deflects are ready to use.

Note: Everyone except SpellSlingers & Engineers us the 'Buff Trigger' instead of 'On Critical' to track your proc. All buff names are the same as the ability, except for Medics which is Clear!_

  • Where are the options? AAAAAHHHH!! Don't panic, calm, breath. Its done. You don't have to do anymore special things here! Just carry on setting up your trigger using these

Resource Triggers

This is the Trigger you need when you want to track your Focus or any other resource you need! Want to know when your Focus is at 30%? Sure thing. Want to know when you're above 3 actuators? Np!

  • Decide whether you want to track Focus (left) or Secondary (right). Note, only Focus is the left option, all others are the right option.
  • In the box you've selected, decide whether you want to track >, <, == etc: to the number you will provide in a moment.
  • Choose whether you want to track the percentage or the exact number. For example, if you want to track 30% Focus, check the percentage box. If you want to track when you're at 3 actuators, don't check it.
  • Next to the drop down, choose what number you want to track. Remember if you've chosen percentage or not! If you type in 100 for actuators, but haven't checked the percentage box, you're going to have a bad time!
  • Finished for this specific Trigger, continue on below!

Health Triggers

This Trigger tracks either Health or Shields. This is also the ideal Trigger for Warriors tracking their Shield Burst ability!

  • Choose whose 'Health' you want to track. Yourself (player) or your targets!
  • Decide if you want to track Health (left) or Shields (right). Want to know when to go all out, cooldowns blazing? Setup an Aura to shout at you when their shields are all gone! Want to know when you're in serious need of medical attention? Setup an alert to demand it!
  • Decide whether you want to track percentages, or a solid number using the percentage check box. Checking it will enable percentages!
  • In the dropdown, decide whether you want to track when you are >, <, == etc: to the number you will provide in a moment.
  • Type in the number you want to track! Remember if you've checked percentage or not!
  • Thats it for Health! Continue on below!

Moment of Opportunity Triggers

MoOs happen when your enemy had his cast interrupted. His health bar will turn purple, and you'll do extra damage!

  • Easy peasy one, this. Just choose to track your target (because MoOs can't happen to players. Ignore that pesky player option!)
  • Continue on below!

Keybind Triggers

This is our workaround for tracking only the DoTs, HoTs, Buffs & Debuffs that you have cast. There is currently no way to do this in the API, yet, so make one of these Triggers for now!

  • Enter the key you want to track with CAPS for letters. Remember to make sure it tracks the key that corresponds to the right ability!
  • Enter the duration you want to track after the key has been pressed. It is in seconds!
  • Continue on below!

Limited Action Set Triggers

Use this to ensure your Aura checks your current loadout before being all Aura-ey. Want Twinkle to only work when you've got Ignite on your bar? This is the place for you! When its not on your loadout, the Aura will stay hidden.

  • Type in the name of the ability you want to check. If the name of the ability is already in grey, there is no need to enter a new one! Thats all you need to do!
  • Continue on below!

###Continuation of Step Two!

  • So now you know what your Trigger does, lets get back on track. Remember, you can have multiple Triggers in a single Aura!

  • Select how you want your Trigger to behave in the Behaviour Dropdown (beside the Trigger name). Think of it as the Trigger asking the game a question, and the behaviour is how the Trigger with act when the game replies with 'yes' or 'no'. Below are the 'questions' each Trigger Type is asking the game.

    • Cooldown - Is my spell on cooldown?
    • Buff / Debuff - Is the Buff / Debuff present?
    • Keybind - Has the key been pressed?
    • Limited Action Set - Is the ability in my limited action set?
    • On Critical - Have I crit?
    • On Deflect - Have I deflected?
    • MoO - Is a MoO present?
    • Resource - Am I at that resource?
    • Health - Am I at that health?
  • The behaviour to the answers is as follows.

    • Pass = Appear when game says yes.
    • Fail = Appear when game says no.
    • Ignore = Always appear, but will show you when the game says yes. (Timers).
  • Ok, phew. Chosen your behaviour? Good Chua! Now you'll want to decide if this Trigger has an Effect. Choose an effect in the Add Effect dropdown at the bottom of the Trigger window. If you don't want an effect, just ignore the rest of the Trigger portion of this guide!

  • Chosen your effect? Awesome! Now, decide when you want the effect to work. When the Trigger works (pass) or when it fails (fail).

  • Don't want it to have the effect for the whole time? Just check the timed box and enter the length of time you want the effect to work in seconds!

  • Saaaaaavveee! If you would like to add a new Trigger, this is the best time to do it. Just go back to the start and work through the steps again!

Step Three - Finishing with the General Tab.

So now you've got most of the nitty-gritty stuff done, time to finish it off!

  • In the 'Shown' dropdown choose when you want your Aura to show. This dropdown is beneath Aura Name on the left hand side. There are three options, and they work as follows.
    • All - Shows the Aura when ALL Triggers happen. Everyone of the Triggers you've made needs to have their conditions met for the Aura to set up.
    • Always - The Aura ALWAYS shows up. This means it will never dissapear or reappear, but will instead give you timers and information. This is also a good option for editing your Icon!
    • Any - This shows the Aura when ANY of your Triggers happen. If any of the conditions are met, the Aura will appear.
    • None - The Aura will show when NONE of the Triggers happen. This is basically the opposite of All!
  • Still confused? Well, go get a coffee, come back, relax, and think about how you want your Aura to work. Plan it out. Play around with it until you have it working the way you want. Always remember how you want your Trigger 'Type', 'Behaviour' and 'Shown' to work together.
  • Moving on! Now you've done your Shown and you've made all the Triggers you want, its time for the checkboxes! Beneath the 'Scaler' you will see 6 checkboxes, all labelled. Just check or uncheck which ones you want!
  • Saaaaavvveee!!
  • Thats it for the General Tab for now! Moving onto the Appearence & Sound of your Aura!

Step Four - Appearence and Sound

This is where you choose how you want your Aura to look, and how you want it to sound (Don't worry, you don't have to have sounds if you don't want!).

  • Click on the Appearence & Sound tab at the top of the AM window.
  • You should see a list of Icons, beginning at the top of the page. Simply scroll through them and choose the icon you want. Save after each selection to preview it in game.
  • Got your Icon? Good! Now, click the Padlock button in the Aura list to unlock your Aura. This means you can move it to where you want. Just click it again to lock.
  • Now lets scale it! In the General Tab there is a scaler, just below the 'Shown' dropdown. Simply scale your Aura until you're happy. You don't have to unlock your Aura for this :)
  • Time to choose your overlay. Back in the Appearence & Sound tab you can see the 'Overlay' options just below the icon list. Choose whether you want the overlay to run over a 'Solid' square (not recommended unless using spell Icon) or your 'Icon' (recommended for any non square shapes!).
  • Once you've done that, select if you want your overlay to run radially, or linearly. Remember, not all Auras will use overlays. This is ideal for charges, stacks, timers etc:
  • Colours! Using the colour pickers, choose the colour of your Icon and its overlay.
  • Ok so now you should have your Aura looking pretty, but how about sounding pretty? Eh? If you don't want sounds, continue to the next step. If you do, continue reading!
  • In the 'Play Sound' dropdown, decide when you want your sound to play. This is exactly like the 'Shown' dropdown in Step Three.
  • Then, from the list at the right, decide which sound you want. Clicking on each sound will give you a preview. Decided that you don't want a sound? Just scroll to the top of the list and select 'none'.
  • Saaave!!!

Step Five - Text

Does your Aura have charges? Stacks? A timer? Or do you want to put in custom text, perhaps a Keybind? Ability name? Then you want this tab!

  • At first look, this tab has alot going on. But it really is quite simple once you know whats-what. First of all, decide what type of text you're having. For custom text, just press the 'Add' button in the bottom right. You can delete all the other options using the red 'x' button if you like, but you don't have to.
  • Adding a custom text? Just type in the text you want in the text box!
  • So, you've worked out what you need? Time to put it where you want. On the left, beneath the 'Text' box, there is a load of dots. These dots correspond to positions on your Aura. Choose where you want it by selecting a blob!
  • Now, choose which font you want. In the font list on the right, scroll down until you see one you'd like. The font is preview just beneath in the 'Sample'.
  • Colour! Choose the colour of the text.
  • Save!
  • Thats it. You're done. You've made your Aura! Woo!