Docker container for running the get_iplayer script:
It is recommended to mount a volume into the container as /data. This will be used by the script to cache the index and store any output as follows:
/data/config - used for caching
/data/output - used for storing output
For full instructions please refer to the get_iplayer documentation:
# View help
docker run -v $(pwd)/data:/data barwell/get-iplayer -h
# Search for 'news'
docker run -v $(pwd)/data:/data barwell/get-iplayer news
# Download programme at index 1234
docker run -v $(pwd)/data:/data barwell/get-iplayer --get 1234
# Download programme with PID b06z12ab
docker run -v $(pwd)/data:/data barwell/get-iplayer --pid b06z12ab
# Download radio programme with PID b06z34cd
docker run -v $(pwd)/data:/data barwell/get-iplayer --type radio --pid b06z34cd
# Download programme from iPlayer website URL
docker run -v $(pwd)/data:/data barwell/get-iplayer --url<id>/<name>