Tensor-Lite is a simple library for building and training machine learning models. It provides a simple and intuitive interface for building computational graphs and performing gradient-based optimization. It uses only native Python, without any dependencies on third-party libraries, making it easy to use and understand. Tensor-Lite was inspired by micrograd and is similar to libraries like Autograd and JAX, but with a focus on simplicity and ease of use.
NOTE Please note that Tensor-Lite is a hobby project and was created as an enjoyable learning exercise. It should not be used in production environments. For production machine learning projects, it is recommended to use a more robust and widely-used library such as PyTorch, JAX, or TensorFlow.
- Pure native Python without any dependencies.
- Easy to use interface for building computational graphs.
- Automatic differentiation for gradient-based optimization.
- Supports linear regression, logistic regression, and neural networks and more.
- Gradient ascent and descent optimization methods included.
Below is a simple example that demonstrates a linear function in Tensor-Lite along with a visualization of the data and grad that is generated:
from tensor import Scalar
X = Scalar(2.0)
w = 3.0
b = 5.0
out = X * w + b
Here are some sample operations that can be used to build a computational graph using tensor-lite as well as gradient descent optimization related methods.
from tensor import Scalar
# Tensor operations
a = Scalar(1.0)
b = a + 2.0
b += 19.0
b += a
c = a * b
d = b / c
e = c ** d
f = a + a + a
g = f
h = sum([a, b, c, e, f, g])
i = h.log()
j = i.exp()
k = j.sigmoid()
l = k.tanh()
m = l.relu()
# Get the value of each node in the graph.
print(f'{a.data:.4f=}, {m.data:.4f=}')
# Calculate the gradient w.r.t. each tensor as a parameter
# Get the gradient for each node in the graph.
print(f'grad={a.grad:.4f}, grad={m.grad:.4f}')
# Optimizers
from tensor import Adam, SGD
parameters = [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m]
optimizer = SGD(parameters, learning_rate=0.1, momentum=0.9)
optimizer = Adam(parameters, learning_rate=0.1, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, eps=1e-8)
Here is an example that demonstrates using Tensor-Lite to optimize a linear regression model:
from tensor import Scalar
# Generate some sample data emulating the function y = 2x + 1
x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
y = [3, 5, 7, 9, 11]
# Initialize the parameters
theta = [Scalar(0.0), Scalar(0.0)]
# Set the learning rate and the number of iterations
learning_rate = 0.01
num_iterations = 1000
# Train the model using gradient descent
for _ in range(num_iterations):
# Construct the computational graph of the linear regression model and predict the output values using the learned parameters.
w, b = theta
y_predictions = [x * w + b for x in x]
loss = sum((y_prediction - y_target) ** 2 for y_target, y_prediction in zip(y, y_predictions))
# Compute the gradient of the loss function with respect to the parameters
# Update the learnable parameters
for param in theta:
param.data -= learning_rate * param.grad
param.grad = 0.0
# Print the learned parameters.
print("Learned parameters: ", theta)
The example directory contains a number of examples that demonstrate how to use Tensor-Lite to solve various machine learning problems, including linear regression, logistic regression, and neural networks.
We welcome contributions to Tensor-Lite! If you find a bug or would like to request a feature, please open an issue. If you would like to contribute code, please fork the repository and open a pull request.