Crawl images on 花瓣 by two ways: all boards of user or single board.
The command program powerd by Node and was written with TypeScript.
git clone
cd huaban-crawl
Input needed message and wait... (An average of 5 images download a second. And image lost may occur in some board.)
yarn start
请选择下载方式(1. 下载用户所有画板; 2. 下载单个画板):2
下载路径(默认 ./images/):
开始下载画板 17713754 - ◈ 青春校服 ◈,图片数量:319
Done. 成功 319 个
✅ All Done!
共下载 319 张图
- Add test
- bug fix: missed pins data
- import node-request-retry to retry failed images download
Enjoy the picture world!