Releases: JavaMoney/jsr354-ri
1.4 Update 4
1.4 Update 4
This release is dedicated to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day:
Release Notes:
1.4 Update 3
This release is dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Apple Macintosh:
Release Notes:
1.4 Update 2
New Update Release
Valkyrie Update Release
This release is dedicated to the anniversary of Operation Valkyrie and those who sacrificed their lives in it:
Release Notes:
Maintenance Release 1
May the 4th Release - MR1
This is a bugfix release. Additionally the RI has been separated into multiple modules, also supporting the Java 9
module. It runs with Java 8 or later.
#172 MaxScale on division bug - fixed
#171 MoneyAmountBuilder.DEFAULT_CONTEXT does not set precision - fixed
#170 Disabling standard rate providers failed - fixed, since modularized
#169 ri/ri-bp use different config entries for defaults - fixed
#168 Clarify/Fix NumberValue calculation for conversions - fixed
#167 Loading of fallback resources - fixed
#166 Inconsistent name between MoneyAmountBuilder and MonetaryAmountFactory - fixed
#162 Question regarding creation of MonetaryAmount - fixed
#161 CurrencyConversionException using exchange rate providers - fixed
#149 Currency symbol assumption is wrong - fixed
#146 Infinite recursion in DefaultExchangeRate.hashCode() - fixed
This is a bugfix release. Additionally the RI has been separated into multiple modules, also supporting the Java 9
module. It runs with Java 8 or later.
#172 MaxScale on division bug - fixed
#171 MoneyAmountBuilder.DEFAULT_CONTEXT does not set precision - fixed
#170 Disabling standard rate providers failed - fixed, since modularized
#169 ri/ri-bp use different config entries for defaults - fixed
#168 Clarify/Fix NumberValue calculation for conversions - fixed
#167 Loading of fallback resources - fixed
#166 Inconsistent name between MoneyAmountBuilder and MonetaryAmountFactory - fixed
#162 Question regarding creation of MonetaryAmount - fixed
#161 CurrencyConversionException using exchange rate providers - fixed
#149 Currency symbol assumption is wrong - fixed
#146 Infinite recursion in DefaultExchangeRate.hashCode() - fixed