The UP Platform Android SDK is released as a library to perform requests to UP Platform API from Android devices. It handles authentication using OAuth 2.0 via Android WebView and also provides interfaces to make network requests to the UP platform's REST endpoints.
It is assumed that the SDK users are familiar with Java programming language and Google’s Android SDK. The SDK has been developed on a MacBook Pro running OS X Mavericks and Android Studio 0.8.4 and supports all Android versions from 4.0 onwards. It is also assumed that the user has access to an existing Jawbone UP user account in order to authenticate with the UP platform. New accounts can be created at Note that the user will also need to register at Jawbone UP Developer Portal and create an app in order to get the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET constant values needed for OAuth authentication.
- Getting Started
- Documentation
- Additional Resources
- Terms of Service
- API Status
- Support
- Credits
- License
Sign into the Jawbone UP Developer Portal using your Jawbone UP account. If you do not have an account you can create one by going to Register your organization by pressing "Manage Account". Follow the instructions to create a new app and get your OAuth Client ID and App Secret keys that you will use to authenticate with the UP Platform.
Specify your custom redirect URI in the "OAuth Redirect URI" field or use the default value up-platform://redirect. Note that for Android SDK this url is redundant, we will never leave the app and thus won't need to be redirected to it. But the OAuth specification calls for it. Also, this framework is also used by Jawbone for web based OAuth authentication so we leave it here. Suffice to say whatever non-null uri is entered here should be the same used in app.
You can download the latest Android SDK release via the link below or clone it directly from this GitHub repository:
Option 1: Download UP Android SDK Alpha (July 2014)
Option 2: Clone this repository from GitHub
git clone [email protected]:Jawbone/UPPlatform_Android_SDK
UpPlatformSdk is being distributed as an Android Library project, and thus can be imported in an existing project as a "Module" (we do this in Android Studio by "File" -> "Import Module.." in Android Studio menu). The current project structure as uploaded in Github (seen below) has the SDK already imported and the HelloUp app in Examples folder uses it.
![Project Structure] (Documentation/project_structure.png)
UpPlatformSdk is the main library module that provides OAuth authentication, API end points, data model and a Retrofit based network stack that handles the API calls. The HelloUp project in Examples folder is the test app and has UpPlatformSdk as its library dependency. It provides CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET viz. the app specific credentials generated from Jawbone UP Developer Portal. Note that even though this project structure assumes Android Studio as the IDE used, but these instructions can be modified for use in Eclipse IDE too.
There are two ways to quickly get started with using the SDK:
- Clone this repo, open the project in Android Studio and then, either modify HelloUp app to suit your needs or just create another project for your app and start using the SDK.
- Clone this repo, and then in your own project import the SDK and start using it. Another thing to note is, because we are using the OauthWebViewActivity from a library project, it needs to be added to the app's manifest file (in this case HelloUp's AndroidManifest.xml)
The developer obtains the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET from the Developer Portal, sets them up in his app as constants (in this case in HelloUp app).
private static final String CLIENT_ID = "<insert-client-id>";
private static final String CLIENT_SECRET = "<insert-client-secret>";
We then define the permissions needed in our test app activity (HelloUpActivity.getIntentForWebView() in this instance) and then pass them to UpPlatformSdkUtils that generates the url for OAuth permisssions request Web View (as displayed by OauthWebViewActivity).
private Intent getIntentForWebView() {
Uri.Builder builder = UpPlatformSdkUtils.setOauthParameters(CLIENT_ID, OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL, authScope);
Intent intent = new Intent(OauthWebViewActivity.class.getName());
return intent;
We then call get the webview intent and launch the OAuth flow.
The user will sign in with his username/password with his UP user credentials. When the user agrees with the permissions requested and hits okay button the response from server will contain a “code”. This is parsed out and another network call is made whose response will contain the accessToken and refreshToken, which HelloUpActivity saves to shared preferences for easy access. Thus the app now has the accessToken needed to make api requests.
private Callback accessTokenRequestListener = new Callback<OauthAccessTokenResponse>() {
public void success(OauthAccessTokenResponse result, Response response) {
if (result.access_token != null) {
SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(HelloUpActivity.this);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit();
editor.putString(UpPlatformSdkConstants.UP_PLATFORM_ACCESS_TOKEN, result.access_token);
editor.putString(UpPlatformSdkConstants.UP_PLATFORM_REFRESH_TOKEN, result.refresh_token);
Intent intent = new Intent(HelloUpActivity.this, UpApiListActivity.class);
intent.putExtra(UpPlatformSdkConstants.CLIENT_SECRET, CLIENT_SECRET);
Log.e(TAG, "accessToken:" + result.access_token);
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "accessToken not returned by Oauth call, exiting...");
public void failure(RetrofitError retrofitError) {
Log.e(TAG, "failed to get accessToken:" + retrofitError.getMessage());
Now there are a few ways to create API requests. You can either use the Retrofit end points provided, or you can create own network stack. The Retrofit API end points provided are the simplest way to create requests to the UP platform. They take care of creating requests objects, handling responses parsed out from JSON. The UP Platform SDK provides an simple mechanism to make an API request, it is of the following form:
"JtN269m6S_xmX72fwD63cg", //hardcoded value, should be dynamic
genericCallbackListener); //Retrofit callback handler
Currently all api endpoints are defined in RestApiInterface, the output of the calls being logged to console. The data model to absorb the JSON returned will be added later.
The following UP Platform End points are supported in this SDK:
You can find additional Jawbone UP Platform documentation here
We use 2 different open source libraries in this SDK, they are:
- Retrofit - to provide basic networking capabilities for API requests. It is included in this repo as a jar file. The version used also depends on OkHttp and okio hence are also added
- Gson Parser – to handle incoming and outgoing JSON objects.
Key principles governing the use of the UP API:
- The data belongs to the user. We are stewards of the data and have an obligation to protect it and use it responsibly.
- Data can only be collected with explicit user permission. Only collect what you need and only use it as you say you will.
- User must have a mechanism to disable access and to request that any collected data be deleted.
- Use of the UP API is governed by the UP API Terms Of Service.
- By using the API, you agree to the TOS, available for your review.
Please visit UP Platform's status page to see the platform status updated in real-time.
Follow us on Twitter @JawboneDev to get the latest news and updates regarding the API.
Contact the developer support team by sending an email to [email protected].
- Add Javadocs
- Add Unit tests
- Setup the SDK as an AAR file
Omer Muhammed - Principal Software Engineer, Jawbone
Usage is provided under the Apache License (v2.0). The licenses for the open source libraries used are different.