This is a C++ implementation of the MIPS 32 ISA as part of a project done in pairs for the Electronic and Information Engineering 2nd Year course at Imperial College London. The simulator is built according to the following specfication An ideal simulator will pass all tests in the provided testbench and any other testbench containing only the instructions that have been implemented.
To construct the simulator use command:
make simulator
To construct the test bench use command:
make testbench
To run the simulator against the testbench use commands:
./bin/mips_testbench ./bin/mips_simulator
Both the simulator and testbench were implemented from scratch without the use of the pre-existing skeleton code.
Aditya Gupta for collaborating on the implementation of both the testbench and simulator.
Olly Larkin for creating the parser used to generate the MIPS binary files from the given source files.
Dr David Thomas for contiuous support and guidance throughout the project.