z = fn(xs...) evaluated with directed rounding
• RoundNearest
• RoundUp
• RoundDown
z = fn(xs...) evaluated with directed rounding
is rounded to the directed adjacent integer
• RoundToZero
• RoundFromZero
z = fn(xs...) evaluated by rounding in both directions
minmax( RoundDown(fn,xs...), RoundUp(fn, xs...) )
[ lowerbound, upperbound ]
• RoundLoHi
z = fn(xs...) obtains the most informing, least misleading valuation
• RoundValue
using DirectedRoundings
# arithmetic function examples
# the directed rounding functions work with 1,2,3,4 params
function sqrt5x(a)
function reldiff(a, b)
return (a - b) / a
function affine_map(x, shift, scale)
return (x + shift) * scale
function right_triangles_ratio(a_adjacent, a_opposite,
b_adjacent, b_opposite)
a_hypot = hypot(a_adjacent, a_opposite)
b_hypot = hypot(b_adjacent, b_opposite)
return a_hypot / b_hypot
a = 3.0; aa = eps(a)/2;
b = inv(17.0); bb = eps(b)/2;
c = sqrt(17.0); cc = eps(c)/2;
d = 128.0; bb = eps(d)/2;
e = 3.0f0; cc = -eps(c) ;
f = inv(17.0f0); dd = -eps(d)/2;
round_up(inv, a)
round_down(inv, a)
round_tozero(inv, a)
round_fromzero(inv, a)
round_up(+, a, b)
round_down(hypot, a, b)
round_up(affine_map, a, b, c)
round_down(affine_map, a, b, c)
round_nearest(right_triangles_ratio, a, sqrt(a), c, cbrt(c))
round_up(right_triangles_ratio, a, sqrt(a), c, cbrt(c))
round_down(right_triangles_ratio, a, sqrt(a), c, cbrt(c))