Slice to Volume Registration for medical imaging:
This repository contains all the code used for my Final Year Project.
There are two folders with relevant code and information.
MATLAB_code: "ReferencesMATLAB.txt" - all MATLAB references used in this project
"SliceToMat.m" - code that uniformly slices an input 3D volume reconstructed using DICOM files
"PoseDisplay.m" - code to display the slices cut in SliceToMat.m
"Rot.m" - code to display the orientation of the slices cut in SliceToMat.m
"PoseDisplayTestSlices.m" - code to display the slices used in the Test subset of the data
"RotTestSlices.m" - code to display the orientation of the slices used in the Test subset of the data
"PoseDisplayOutputSlice.m" - code to display the angle error as slices (for each regression model)
Python_code: "ReferencesPython.txt" - all Python references used in this project
"Siamese_network.ipynb" - Jupyter notebook containing the Siamese network for creating a single output image from two different modality inputs
"Regression_model-1input.ipynb" - Jupyter notebook containing regression model for the implicit case
"Regression_model-2input.ipynb" - Jupyter notebook containing regression model for the explicit case
"Combined_program.ipynb" - Jupyter notebook containing a composite of the Siamese and regression networks