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Go to the git and download the snippets folder, then copy the files in the folder to the path directly:
- Mac: /Users/< your-user-name >/Library/Application Support/Code/User/snippets/
- Windows: < your-installed-driver > :\Users\ < your-user-name > \AppData\Roaming\Code\User\snippets\
- From website: Go to Visual Studio Code Marketplace, and search 'Naive UI Snippets', then click the install button.
- From VS Code: click extensions sidebar, and search 'NaiveUISnippets', then click the install button.
- For the components like
which need children components to be its content, usev-for
to loop to generate the children components.
- All the Naive UI tags below, ignore the closure and more detailed information. Such as
, actually that represents<n-radio v-model="${1}" label="${2}">$3</n-radio>
- The sinppets' order follows the order of the components of Guide on Naive UI official website basically.
- Totally 78 snippets. Will add more if necessary.
- Only work in .vue file for now.
No. | Trigger Key | Naive Tag |
1. | nava |
<n-avatar> |
2. | nb |
<n-button> |
3. | nbg |
<n-button-group> |
4. | ncard |
<n-card> |
5. | ncolla |
<n-collapse> |
6. | ncollai |
<n-collapse-item> |
7. | ndiv |
<n-divider> |
8. | ndro |
<n-dropdown> |
9. | nel |
<n-ellipsis> |
10. | ngt |
<n-ellipsis> |
11. | nic |
<n-icon> |
12. | nta |
<n-tag> |
13. | nau |
<n-auto-complete> |
14. | ncas |
<n-cascader> |
15. | ncp |
<n-color-picker> |
16. | nc |
<n-checkbox> |
17. | ncg |
<n-checkbox-group> |
18. | ndp |
<n-date-picker> |
19. | ndyi |
<n-dynamic-input> |
20. | ndyt |
<n-dynamic-tags> |
21. | nf |
<n-form> |
22. | nipt |
<n-input> |
23. | niptn |
<n-input-number> |
24. | nmen |
<n-mention> |
25. | nr |
<n-radio> |
26. | nrg |
<n-radio-group> |
27. | nra |
<n-rate> |
28. | nsel |
<n-select> |
29. | nsl |
<n-slider> |
30. | nsw |
<n-switch> |
31. | ntp |
<n-time-picker> |
32. | ntr |
<n-transfer> |
33. | nup |
<n-upload> |
34. | ncal |
<n-calendar> |
35. | ndt |
<n-data-table> |
36. | ndes |
<n-descriptions> |
37. | nemp |
<n-empty> |
38. | nim |
<n-image> |
39. | nimg |
<n-image-group> |
40. | nl |
<n-list> |
41. | nli |
<n-list-item> |
42. | nsta |
<n-statistic> |
43. | nt |
<n-table> |
44. | nth |
<n-thing> |
45. | ntim |
<n-time> |
46. | ntl |
<n-timeline> |
47. | ntli |
<n-timeline-item> |
48. | ntree |
<n-tree> |
49. | naf |
<n-affix> |
50. | nan |
<n-anchor> |
51. | nbt |
<n-back-top> |
52. | nbr |
<n-breadcrumb> |
53. | nm |
<n-menu> |
54. | np |
<n-pagination> |
55. | nst |
<n-steps> |
56. | ntabs |
<n-tabs> |
57. | ntabp |
<n-tab-pane> |
58. | nal |
<n-alert> |
59. | nba |
<n-badge> |
60. | ndr |
<n-drawer> |
61. | nmo |
<n-modal> |
62. | npopc |
<n-popconfirm> |
63. | npopo |
<n-popover> |
64. | npops |
<n-popselect> |
65. | npro |
<n-progress> |
66. | nres |
<n-result> |
67. | nsk |
<n-skeleton> |
68. | nsp |
<n-spin> |
69. | nto |
<n-tooltip> |
70. | nla |
<n-layout> |
71. | ngr |
<n-grid> |
72. | ngri |
<n-grid-item> |
73. | ns |
<n-space> |
74. | nload |
<n-loading-bar-provider> |
75. | ndi |
<n-dialog-provider> |
76. | nmes |
<n-message-provider> |
77. | nno |
<n-nofitication-provider> |
78. | nco |
<n-config-provider> |