This repo is deprecated, please using the new MCU ESP32. ESP32 have WI-FI and BLE dual wireless function. It also brings more heap memory and better performance.
This repo includes the improved esp8266 arduino firmware which checkout from v2.3.0 official repo and the library which helps you loading certification and private key.
Library | Link | Use |
pubsubclient | | Basic MQTT functions |
- please download the pubsubclient library( and put it in your libraries folder.
- please replace whole esp8266 arduino core with my version in this repo. (Actually, I only change the WiFiClientSecure.h, WiFiClientSecure.cpp and libaxtls.a)
- copy and paste the AWSMQTT library to your libraries folder.
- use arduino-esp8266fs-plugin ( to upload certification and private key. (Please notice the certification and private key is .der file)
- you can connect to your AWS IoT by the example code.
It is almost the same as the usage of pubsubclient. There is just some changes in the connection step. See the example for details. Things you should edit in the example:
- SSID and password to connect to wifi
- Client ID for MQTT connection
- Endpoint for your aws iot service
- AWS certification and private key
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <AWSMQTT.h>
/* your MQTT client ID */
const char *CLIENT_ID = "--- your id ---";
/* your MQTT end point, you can find in AWS IoT console */
const char *END_POINT = "--- your end point ---";
AWSMQTT is a class which helps you to load cert and private key.
The client variable in AWSMQTT is pubsubclient which is the most popular MQTT library written by Imroy(
AWSMQTT awsMqtt(END_POINT, CLIENT_ID, true, "/your cert name", "/your private key name");
void setup() {
while (!Serial)
WiFi.begin("--- your ssid ---", "--- your password ---");
while (!WiFi.isConnected()) {
Serial.printf("\r\nWiFi Connected\r\n");
/* after WiFi connected, you can connect to AWS IoT */
void loop() {
if (!WiFi.isConnected()) {
delay(1 * 1000);
/* if it is not connected, try to connect again*/
if (!awsMqtt.client->connected()) {
/* you must run this loop function for regular ping message */
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
String rec = Serial.readString();
Read the Serial command and publish. You can use the client variable inside AWSMQTT to publish.
if you want to know how to use function of this client, please check the pubsubclient library
awsMqtt.client->publish(MQTT::Publish("--- your topic ---", "--- your payload ---").set_qos(0));