SCC is supposed to be a light weight productivity library for SystemC and TLM 2.0 based modeling tasks using C++11.
scv4tlm - Tracing TLM2 Sockets
TLM2.0 compliant sockets which can be configured to trace transactions passing thru them using the SCV transaction recording facilities. The project is set-up to be used with Eclipse CDT and its build system
sysc/scv_tr_db.h extended transaction recording databases
scv_tr_sqlite is a SQLite based database back-end for the SystemC Verification library (SCV) transaction recording infrastructure while scv_tr_compressed is a text base database back-end with compression to reduce the file size
a resource wrapper to access a storage location via a TLM 2.0 socket. This is realized using
a component distributing TLM2.0 accesses to target resources e.g. sysc::sc_register
a simple component to route TLM2.0 accesses of a set of masters to a set of targets based on generic payload addresses
the repo is cmake based. Make sure that you have at least cmake 3.12 installed.
There is a dependency on SystemC. For some capabilities SCV is required, but this can be selected during build time.
The suggested build flow is:
- create a build directory and enter into it
- execute cmake with applicable options
- execute build
- install build
- run tests
For example:
git clone --recursive
cd SystemC-Components/
setenv WORKAREA `pwd`
setenv SYSTEMC_HOME /workarea3/SystemC/systemc-2.3.3-gcc-6.3.0-c++14-install
setenv GCC_HOME /workarea3/gcc-6.3.0-install
setenv TLM_HOME ${SYSTEMC_HOME}/include
setenv PATH ${GCC_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
setenv CC ${GCC_HOME}/bin/gcc
setenv CXX ${GCC_HOME}/bin/g++
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${GCC_HOME}/lib64
mkdir build
cd build