Lambda calculus is a model of computation developed by Alonzo Church. A model of computation describes how a function produces an output given an input.
Extremely well made lecture on lambda calculus and how we can represent data as procedures (i.e. functions)
- Part 1:
- Part 2:
- Variables (identifiers and are immutable)
- Expressions
- Abstraction (e.g. anonomous function takes on input returns one output)
- Syntax is
$λ x . x$
- Syntax is
- Groupings
- Syntax: brackets
#lang racket
; \lambda x . x
; Identity function which takes x and returns x
(define I
(lambda (x) x))
; \lambda x . xx
; Mocking bird function takes x and calls it on itself
(define M
(lambda (x) (x x)))
; \lambda a b . a
; Kestrel function which takes parameters a THEN b but only returns a
(define K
(lambda (a) (lambda (b) a)))
; \lambda a b . b
; Kite function; like Kestrel but returns b
(define KI
(lambda (a) (lambda (b) b)))
; \lambda f a b . f b a
; Cardinal function takes function arguments a and b but returns f applied to b then a
; remember f on a returns a function which is then applied on b
(define C
(lambda (f)
(lambda (a)
(lambda (b) ((f b) a) ))))
No boolean primatives are used in lambda calculus. Everything is expressed as functions
#lang racket
(define K
(lambda (a) (lambda (b) a)))
(define KI
(lambda (a) (lambda (b) b)))
(define C
(lambda (f)
(lambda (a)
(lambda (b) ((f b) a) ))))
; Consider:
; bool ? <expression> : <expression>
; True is a function which returns the first expression
; Equivalent to the Kestrel function
(define T K)
; False is a function which return the second expression
; Equivalent to the Kite function
(define F KI)
(define not
(lambda (p) (p (F T))))
(define and
(lambda (p) (lambda (q) (p (q p)) )))
(not T)
(not F)
(and (T F))
No number primitive data types. Just functions
#lang racket
; first define zero then every whole number thereafter is the successor of previous whole number - Pelo's Numbers
; ZERO := \lambda x y . y
(define (zero) (lambda (x) (lambda (y) y)))