Collection of notes and exercise attempts from working through Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP), a textbook by professors Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman. As the title suggests, I am going through the book to get another take on how to build programs in the future.
- 📓 You can find a copy of SICP provided by MIT here
- ✏ The notes and attempts are done in with Org mode in Doom Emacs.
- 🎾 Code snippets are written in Racket, a dialect of Lisp
- 📦 Using SICP package to run primitives expected by MIT scheme not found in Racket
- 📦 In the exercises which involved recursion I often used the "trace" package which printed out the function calls and its arguments
Chapter 1:
- models for computation:
- substitution
- applicative vs normal order
- different types of recursion: linear (stack grows) and iterative (keeps track of state) recursion
- tree recursion (procedure makes two recursive calls which is combined)
- procedures can be used as arguments
- procedures can be used as return values
- accomplished using the lambda keyword
- In Lisp, procedures are treated as first class elements meaning:
- can be named by variables
- passed as arugments
- used as return values
- included in data structures
- models for computation:
Chapter 2:
What is data?
- It is not enough to say data is whatever is implemented with constructors and selectors (i.e. procedures)
- Data must also include conditions that must be fulfilled in order to be a valid representation (analogous to business logic?)
data as functions
- introduction to lambda calculus
key to organizing programs is to clearly represent the signal flow structure
higher order functions: reduce, accumulate, fold
can achieve modularity by treating data as a signal flow structure (e.g. elements from enumerate function can be mapped to a function, the results of which is filtered, and the filtered results get accumulated)
closure: Result of a function taking parameters from set S results in an element also defined in S
performance benefits when choosing structure to represent data:
- unordered lists vs ordered lists vs trees
Goals for program design is to have "abstraction barriers"
- Abstraction barrier: Isolate the underlying representation of the data objects
- But consider having different representations of the same data; how will the program know which corresponding procedure to call
- tagging data
- check tag then call procedure
Data directed programming:
- weaknesses of dispatching (i.e. not additive) include:
- all procedure implementations for every type must be known beforehand
- needing unique procedure names for every type (despite being similar functionality in real world)
- creating a table of procedure to be called vs type
- implement this table through generic procedures and packages
- weaknesses of dispatching (i.e. not additive) include:
Chapter 3
- can introduce state with the let keyword
- set! keyword is for modifying a variable
- procedures which act on the variable (with set!) are also defined in let procedure "environment"
- then with messaging-passing; we can modify state of variable accordingly
- begin procedure is useful for grouping sequences of procedures
Benefits of assignment:
- Great for modeling computational objects whose state changes over time
Costs of assignment:
- With assignments we cannot be sure a procedure with the same arguments to the same function will produce the same result
- Programming with no assignments is referred to as functional programming
- order of evaluation of subexpressions matter with assignments (i.e. right to left or left to right)
How the environment model works (replacement to substitution model of evaluation and rigorous method for evaluating code with assignment)
- Procedures created by evaluating lambda functions
- Every time a lambda function is evaluated, create a new environment frame
- Think of lambda functions as a "double bubble"
- First bubble pointer to the code body
- Second is a pointer to the environment in which it was created
- When encountering a variable name that needs to be evaluated, check current environment frame and move up until variable definition is found
- If no definition is found, variable name is unbound
- set! changes the value of a variable binding in environment frame
Tables are represented with a "backbone" list of pairs
- car of "backbone" pair points to key-value pair
- cdr of "backbone" pair points to next backbone pair
- 2d tables are represented with 2 "backbone" chains
- Memoization/tabulation: increase the performance of algorithms by storing previously calculated values
Serialized procedures: certain collections of procedures in each serialized set that can be run concurrently
Useful when used with a single shared resource
When dealing with multiple shared resources it is useful to expose the serializer
This comes at the cost of breaking modularity, as the instance of the object is now responsible for serialization
Mutex = mutual + exclusion
Any process must test the mutex when attempting to acquire it
must be performed atomically: we must ensure when a process acquires the mutex, it must set it to true before any other process checks mutex
how the testing works depends on how system runs concurrent processes
on a sequential processor, we use a time-slicing mechanism that cycles through processes, letting them run for a short time before interrupting it and moving onto the next
multiprocessing computers provide instructions that support atomic operations directly in hardware