Linode LKE POC
A small POC for setting up a load balanced LKE cluster with an nginx hello world deployment.
This project assumes you have a Linode account already setup, and you have generated an API token.
Before running any terraform commands you will need to export your linode api token:
export TF_VAR_linode_token="your_linode_api_token"
terraform init
terraform apply
After the terraform has sucessfully run, login to your linode account and navigate to kubernetes clusters at
and use Download Kubeconfig
to get access to the cluster for performing the helm install.
To install the nginx deployment, navigate to ./helm
and run
For simplicity everything is installed in the default
After the helm install completes run kubectl get po
and make sure you see at least 1 running nginx pod.
Run kubectl get svc
and you should see a service called hello-world
Wait for this service to have an EXTERNAL-IP
After that you should be able to visit http://<EXTERNAL-IP>
and see Hello World from Nginx!
To uninstall the nginx deployment, navigate to ./helm
and run
To teardown the infra, navigate to ./terraform
and run terraform destroy