Skylicht Engine, which is an evolution of the Irrlicht Project. We have upgraded more features: Sound Engine, Physics Engine, Particle Engine...
Core functionality: Direct3D11, OpenGL 4+, OpenGLES 3+, Google Angle GLES video driver backends.
Cross-Platform Framework: Android, IOS, Win32/Win64, UWP, Linux, MacOS, HTML5.
Render pipeline: Forwarder & Deferred.
Skylicht Engine is a super lightweight Game Engine that targets mobile platforms (Android, IOS). And, it's completely free.
Platform | Build Status |
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- CMake 3.12 or higher
- Python 3.x
- Visual Studio (2017 or higher if you want to build on Windows OS)
Clone this repo
Build assets bundle
C:\skylicht-engine>cd Assets C:\skylicht-engine\Assets>python C:\skylicht-engine\Assets>cd ..
Run CMake from the current directory to generate visual studio project or xcode project
# Visual Studio 2017 C:\skylicht-engine>cmake -S . -B ./PrjVisualStudio -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A x64 # Visual Studio 2019 C:\skylicht-engine>cmake -S . -B ./PrjVisualStudio -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 # Xcode /User/Skylicht/Documents/skylicht-engine$cmake -S . -B ./PrjMac -G Xcode # Linux $ skylicht-engine$ cmake -S . -B ./PrjLinux -G "Unix Makefiles"
Open the generated solution
Once the solution opens, right click the SampleXXX project, click "Set as StartUp Project" and click the play button at the top to run the Demo App.
More details: please preview command in BuildCommand folder.
- Optional, You can skip this step if you don't modify any resource texture.
- This python tool will convert texture .TGA to compressed texture (.DDS, .ETC2, .PVRTC) to optimize gpu memory on runtime.
# Install Tinydb # C:\skylicht-engine>C:\Python37\Scripts\pip install tinydb # Install Pillow (Image processing) # C:\skylicht-engine>C:\Python37\Scripts\pip install Pillow # Compress TGA to DDS, ETC2, PVR texture C:\skylicht-engine>cd Assets C:\skylicht-engine\Assets>python C:\skylicht-engine\Assets>python C:\skylicht-engine\Assets>python C:\skylicht-engine\Assets>cd ..
- Optional, You can skip this step if you don't modify any shader.
- This python tool use C Preprocessor to inline shader script (HLSL, HLSL)
# Install pcpp (C Preprocessor tool) # C:\skylicht-engine>C:\Python37\Scripts\pip install pcpp # Build shader script C:\skylicht-engine>cd Assets C:\skylicht-engine\Assets>python C:\skylicht-engine\Assets>cd ..
- Add new source files or subfolders on
and regenerate projectC:\skylicht-engine>cmake -S . -B ./PrjVisualStudio -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A x64
- Run Scripts/ Example: Create application NewApplication at folder Samples\NewApplication
C:\skylicht-engine>python Scripts\ NewApplication Samples\NewApplication
- Edit CMakeProjects.cmake, add new line:"subdirs (Samples/NewApplication)" and regenerate projects
- Open Visual Studio Solution and click NewApplication - "Set as StartUp Project".
- Install Android Studio and SDK
- Install mingw-w64 for Windows
- Install Android NDK
- Edit the file BuildCommand/BuildAndroidNDK.cmd by text editor and update your path MINGW and NDK
# BuildAndroidNDK.cmd
# Set your pc folder, example
set MINGW=C:\mingw-w64\x86_64-8.1.0-posix-seh-rt_v6-rev0\mingw64\bin
set NDK=C:\SDK\android-ndk-r21e
- Run BuildCommand/BuildAndroidNDK.cmd to build android native library
# Make folder jniLibs on Android Project
C:\skylicht-engine>mkdir Projects\Android\app\src\main\jniLibs\armeabi-v7a
C:\skylicht-engine>mkdir Projects\Android\app\src\main\jniLibs\arm64-v8a
# Copy result native ndk (from step 1) to jniLibs
# Project SampleSkinnedMesh
C:\skylicht-engine>copy Bin\Android\Libs\arm64-v8a\ Projects\Android\app\src\main\jniLibs\arm64-v8a
C:\skylicht-engine>copy Bin\Android\Libs\armeabi-v7a\ Projects\Android\app\src\main\jniLibs\armeabi-v7a
# Create assets folder in Gradle Project
C:\skylicht-engine>mkdir Projects\Android\app\src\main\assets
# Copy built-in asset
C:\skylicht-engine>copy Bin\ Projects\Android\app\src\main\assets
# Copy project asset
# Project SampleSkinnedMesh
C:\skylicht-engine>copy Bin\ Projects\Android\app\src\main\assets
C:\skylicht-engine>copy Bin\ Projects\Android\app\src\main\assets
# Dont forget copy ETC texture
C:\skylicht-engine>copy Bin\ Projects\Android\app\src\main\assets
Open Android Studio and import project Projects\Android
Run command build from Android Studio:
- You can rename your package name at build.gradle (Projects\Android\app)
- You can rename your application name at string.xml (Projects\Android\app\src\main\res\values)
- Skylight Engine Core (In progress)
- Engine Editor (In progress)
Engine Components are used:
- FreeType Font
- Glyph Font
- Canvas Component
- Graphics2D
- GUI Text
This demo is to draw Cube 3D, set up, transform and use components.
This demo code, that renders Sphere 3D, loads textures (Diffuse, Normal, Specular), and binds SpecGloss shader to Material.
This demo code, How to bind shader on Material.
Engine Components are used:
- FreeType Font
- Glyph Font
- Graphics2D
- GUI Text
- GUI Image
- GUI Mask
- EventManager
This is example code. How to render character model with animation, models are downloaded from mixamo
- DAE Collada loader model/animation
- Forwarder rendering
- Skydome
- AnimationController
This is a demo how to use UnwrapUV tool to create Lightmap UV. Library xatlas is integrated to Skylicht Engine.
This is a demo code to use lightmapper to bake indirect lighting color on lightmap texture. Project references: Lightmapper
Result lightmap
Sponza indirect lighting baked by Skylicht Lightmapper
This example is how to set up a simple lighting & lightmap. This scene uses basic diffuse bump specular shader.
This is a demo to use lightmapper to set indirect lighting color on vertex color.
Engine Components are used:
- OBJ Wavefront loader
- Deferred and Forwarder rendering
- Dynamic Direction Lighting
- Shadow Mapping
- Lightmapper
- Skydome
Irradiance baked on Vertex Color:
This is a demo to use CollisionManager to get collision point from the ray.
And how to query all triangles inside a Box
And how to use the decal projector feature
Skylicht Particle Component is a cleanup version of SPARK. We have optimized by GPU Billboard Instancing.
This is demo code how to create particle system and use imgui
This is a demo code on how to use a simple projectile, impact, trail particle, sub emitter system.
This is demo code how to use noise library shader to make vfx effect, particle turbulence.
Welcome if you want to contribute your code to Skylicht Engine (Ex: add feature or fix bug). Wellcome to join the group. Open an issue and submit a pull request to this repository. Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.
- Julien Fryer (SPARK) about references and source code demo of particle system.
- Inigo Quilez about perlin noise reference.
- Irrlicht Community, who have shared some demo
Skylicht Engine is licensed under MIT License
Skylicht Engine is based in part on the work of:
- Irrlicht Engine
- Bullet Physics
- Google Angle
- Ocornut Imgui
- Xatlas
- Spark Particle
- Freetype2
- Independent JPEG Group, libPng, zlib, curl...
This means that if you've used the Skylicht Engine in your product, you must acknowledge somewhere in your documentation that you've used. It would also be nice to mention that you use the 3rd parties library... Please see the README files from 3rd parties for further information.
Thanks, Project Maintainer: Pham Hong Duc