TimeTrace is deployed on Vercel; however, it is necessary to have an SSH-key to send request to the MONAA backend.
An SSH-key can be obtained by contacting either [email protected] or [email protected].
Clone the repository and cd into the project
cd TimeTrace
npm i
npm start
Because this project utilises MONAA that only runs on Ubuntu and Windows, a separate backend server has been set up and runs on CLAAUDIA Strato Compute Cloud. For the frontend to connect to CLAAUDIA, it is necessary with an SSH tunnel.
Step 1 - Private key Save your private key (<private_key.pem>) somewhere safe.
Step 2 - SSH Open a terminal and run the following ssh command:
ssh -i "path/to/private_key.pem" [email protected] -L 5000:localhost:5000
This will tunnel port 5000 on the server to localhost:5000.
Step 3 - Open browser Open your browser and go to localhost:3000 or time-trace.vercel.app where the TimeTrace frontend will be hosted.
Follow the guides on the home page on how to use TimeTrace.
npm test
npm run testCoverage
CLAAUDIA documentation on SSH connection.
Instance on CLAAUDIA Strato Compute Cloud
Ubuntu server IP:
The MONAA backend is built using Flask. Use the following commands (when conencted via SSH) if the server is down.
cd monaa-backend
Optional: git pull
nohup python3 -m flask --app server run &
This should start the Flask server and you should be able to close the terminal without the server shutting down.
To check what Python processes are running, use the command:
pgrep python3
To kill a Python process, use the command:
sudo kill <process-id>
Import P6.postman_collection.json
in your Postman App.
POST Body In the body select raw and add a JSON body of the format below. lines Is an array of strings symbolising the lines of the file uploaded.
regex Add a valid timed regular expression using the MONAA syntax.
Your request should look something like below
Send your request and view the response