A Terminal-based typing game inspired by Type Racer, developed in a two-week pair-project phase.
- Random text
- Text closest to specified relative difficulty in the range of 0(easiest) to 100(hardest)
- Content of file at specifed path
- Highlighting of
- untyped characters(dark gray)
- typed correctly typed characters(light gray)
- incorrectly typed characters(red)
- Display of statistics
- Number of total errors made so far
- Number of errors in the current state of the text
- Current typing speed measured in Words per minute(WPM)
- Visualization of the participants progress through a car race
Participants ranking with typing speed and total number of errors made
Text database taken from http://typeracerdata.com/texts.
UI built with Gui.cs https://github.com/migueldeicaza/gui.cs.
ASCII banners built with https://patorjk.com/software/taag.
Networking based on https://github.com/AbleOpus/NetworkingSamples.