I'm a Software Technician, it means that I'm always ready for work. I'm specialized in Web Development, using the latest technologies to achieve the best practices. Working remotely since 2020. 🚀
const birthDate = new Date("11/22/1998").getTime();
const currDate = new Date().getTime();
const age = Math.floor((currDate - birthDate) / 31536000000);
const moreAboutMe = {
locatedIn: {
country: "Perú",
city: "Lima"
pronouns: ["he", "him"],
age: Number(age) + " years old",
techStack: {
frontEnd: ["HTML", "CSS", "Javascript", "Angular","Bootstrap", "ReactJS", "Tailwind"],
backend: ["NodeJS", "Laravel", "ExpressJS"],
databases: ["MySql", "FireBase", "MongoDB"],
versionControl: ["Git"]
tools: ["VsCode", "Photoshop", "Postman", "Illustrator", "Figma"],
OS: ["Arch Linux x86_64"],
role: ["Junior Developer"],
nextGoal: "Finish college and have my own business"
- 🔭 I’m currently working with Javascript, React, Bootstrap, Ionic, React-Native, mongoDB, postgresDB, Python.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Java 8, Docker, PostgreSQL, AWS and Typescript.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on innovated projects.
- 😇 About me: Focused, learn, adventour, explorer, catlover, musician, artist