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QuickCommerce is an e-commerce platform designed as a mobile SaaS (Software as a Service) application. Developed with Expo and React Native, this application enables multiple businesses to set up and customize their own online stores, providing a fast and easy e-commerce solution.

Table of Contents


To get started with QuickCommerce, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd quickcommerce
  2. Install dependencies using npm:

    npm install
  3. Install Expo CLI if not already installed:

    npm install -g expo-cli
  4. Set up Husky (if not automatically set up):

    npx husky install

Note: If using yarn as your package manager, ensure that all dependencies are properly installed and avoid mixing npm and yarn commands.

Environment Variables

Firebase Configuration

EXPO_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_API_KEY=your_firebase_api_key EXPO_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN=your_firebase_auth_domain EXPO_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID=your_firebase_project_id EXPO_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET=your_firebase_storage_bucket EXPO_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID=your_firebase_messaging_sender_id EXPO_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_APP_ID=your_firebase_app_id


The package.json file includes several useful scripts for development. Here are the most important ones:

  • npm start: Starts the development server with Expo.
  • npm start:clear: Starts the development server with Expo and clears the cache.
  • npm run android: Launches the application on an Android emulator.
  • npm run ios: Launches the application on an iOS emulator (requires macOS and Xcode).
  • npm run web: Launches the application in a web browser.
  • npm run lint: Runs ESLint to check for code style issues.
  • npm run prepare: Sets up Husky for Git hooks.

Project Structure

The project follows a modular structure with the following main folders and files:

├── assets/              # Static resources, such as images or icons
├── src/                 # Application source code
│   ├── app/             # Application screens and components
|   ├── assets/          # Application assets
│   ├── components/      # Reusable UI components
│   ├── services/        # API connection services (e.g., Firebase)
│   ├── store/           # Redux store and slices
│   ├── tamagui/         # Tamagui configuration
│   └── utils/           # Utility functions
├── App.js               # Main entry file for the app
└── package.json         # Dependency and script configuration

Main Dependencies

This project uses the following main dependencies:

  • expo: The core framework that allows you to compile and run the app on multiple platforms.
  • react: The main JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • react-native: Library for building mobile applications with React.

Development Dependencies

The project also includes various development tools to keep code clean and organized:

  • ESLint: To analyze and enforce consistent code styling.
  • Prettier: To format code in a uniform way.
  • Husky: To manage Git hooks, like enforcing code style and commit message conventions.
  • Commitlint: To ensure structured and consistent commit messages.

Code Style

QuickCommerce follows standard code styling with ESLint and Prettier to ensure code consistency. Additionally, Husky and Commitlint help maintain good practices in the commit and version control process.

Commit Rules

This project uses Commitlint with the @commitlint/config-conventional configuration to enforce structured commit messages. Here are some examples of valid commit messages:

  • feat: add authentication functionality
  • fix: resolve rendering error on home screen
  • docs: update README with new information


Contributions to QuickCommerce are welcome. To improve the project, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a branch for your feature (git checkout -b feature/new-feature).
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'feat: add new feature').
  4. Push the branch (git push origin feature/new-feature).
  5. Create a Pull Request and describe your changes in detail.


This project is private and not open for distribution. If you are a collaborator or authorized user, please ensure compliance with all internal license terms.


ecommerce app






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