#This is my Graduation Project. #A configurable spider about serveral university ranking lists.
################################################# Files Locaiton: INPUT Part: ./webspider/webspider/config/: config files using in run.py and run_for_each.py. LOGICAL Part: ./webspider/webspider/spiders/: spiders invoked by run.py and run_for_each.py. ./webspider/webspider/run.py run this file and will get the final results, change the comment line in it can control the websites which will be crawled. ./webspider/webspider/run_for_each.py run this file and will get part of the results, change the comment line in it can control the websites which will be crawled. OUTPUT Part: ./webspider/webspider/excels/: xls fiels that will be generated finally. ./webspider/webspider/excels/: log files for this running time.
################################################# How to run this project?
cd ./webspider/webspider/ python ./run.py
then xls files will generate in ./webspider/webspider/excels/
################################################# ANY QUSTIONS ? CONTACT ME by [email protected]