- Create tests for design of program
(insert project completion goals for second check-in here)
You’ll be graded on each of the criteria below with a score of (1) well below expectations, (2) below expectations, (3) as expected, (4) better than expected.
Completion: did you deliver what you committed to build?
Organization: did you use your project management tool to keep the project organized?
Progress: are you on track to finish the project on time? Will/does the end product realize the vision of the concept?
Test-Driven Development: (1) disregard for testing, (2) gaps in test usage/coverage/design, (3) adequate testing, (4) exceptional use of testing
Code Quality: (1) poor factoring and understanding of MVC, (2) some gaps in code quality / application of MVC, (3) solid code quality and pushing logic down the stack, (4) exceptionally well factored code