screenshot-basic is a basic resource for making screenshots of clients' game render targets using FiveM. It uses the same backing
WebGL/OpenGL ES calls as used by the application/x-cfx-game-view
plugin (see the code in citizenfx/fivem),
and wraps these calls using Three.js to 'simplify' WebGL initialization and copying to a buffer from asynchronous NUI.
- Make sure your cfx-server-data is updated as of 2019-01-15 or later. You can easily
update it by running
git pull
in your local clone directory. - Install
:mkdir -p 'resources/[local]/' cd 'resources/[local]' git clone screenshot-basic
- Make/use a resource that uses it. Currently, there are no directly-usable commands, it is only usable through exports.
Takes a screenshot and passes the data URI to a callback. Please don't send this through any server events.
- options: An optional object containing options.
- encoding: 'png' | 'jpg' | 'webp' - The target image encoding. Defaults to 'jpg'.
- quality: number - The quality for a lossy image encoder, in a range for 0.0-1.0. Defaults to 0.92.
- cb: A callback upon result.
- result: A
data URI for the image.
- result: A
TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', { template = '<img src="{0}" style="max-width: 300px;" />', args = { data } })
Takes a screenshot and uploads it as a file (multipart/form-data
) to a remote HTTP URL.
- url: The URL to a file upload handler.
- field: The name for the form field to add the file to.
- options: An optional object containing options.
- encoding: 'png' | 'jpg' | 'webp' - The target image encoding. Defaults to 'jpg'.
- quality: number - The quality for a lossy image encoder, in a range for 0.0-1.0. Defaults to 0.92.
- cb: A callback upon result.
- result: The response data for the remote URL.
exports['screenshot-basic']:requestScreenshotUpload('', 'files[]', function(data)
local resp = json.decode(data)
TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', { template = '<img src="{0}" style="max-width: 300px;" />', args = { resp.files[1].url } })
The server can also request a client to take a screenshot and upload it to a built-in HTTP handler on the server.
Using this API on the server requires at least FiveM client version 1129160, and server pipeline 1011 or higher.
requestClientScreenshot(player: string | number, options: any, cb: (err: string | boolean, data: string) => void)
Requests the specified client to take a screenshot.
- player: The target player's player index.
- options: An object containing options.
- fileName: string? - The file name on the server to save the image to. If not passed, the callback will get a data URI for the image data.
- encoding: 'png' | 'jpg' | 'webp' - The target image encoding. Defaults to 'jpg'.
- quality: number - The quality for a lossy image encoder, in a range for 0.0-1.0. Defaults to 0.92.
- cb: A callback upon result.
- err:
, or an error string. - data: The local file name the upload was saved to, or the data URI for the image.
- err:
exports['screenshot-basic']:requestClientScreenshot(GetPlayers()[1], {
fileName = 'cache/screenshot.jpg'
}, function(err, data)
print('err', err)
print('data', data)