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Merge pull request #356 from kimikage/convtest
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Remove duplicate test cases and Modify error evaluation methods (#355)
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kimikage authored Nov 3, 2019
2 parents 6cbbd68 + 7f171bd commit 8a43f1c
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Showing 5 changed files with 155 additions and 118 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions test/algorithms.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
using Test, Colors

@testset "Algorithms" begin
# Test vector space operations
@test LMS{Float64}(0.125,0.5,0.0)+LMS{Float64}(0.2,0.7,0.4) LMS{Float64}(0.325,1.2,0.4) atol=91eps()
@test 3LMS{Float64}(0.125,0.5,0.03) LMS{Float64}(0.375,1.5,0.09) atol=91eps()

@test XYZ{Float64}(0.125,0.5,0.0)+XYZ{Float64}(0.2,0.7,0.4) XYZ{Float64}(0.325,1.2,0.4) atol=91eps()
@test 3XYZ{Float64}(0.125,0.5,0.03) XYZ{Float64}(0.375,1.5,0.09) atol=91eps()

# issue #349
msc_h_diff = 0
for hsv_h in 0:0.1:360
Expand Down
234 changes: 116 additions & 118 deletions test/conversion.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
using Colors, FixedPointNumbers, JLD2
using Test
using ColorTypes: eltype_default
using ColorTypes: eltype_default, parametric3

@testset "Conversion" begin
r8(x) = reinterpret(N0f8, x)
Expand All @@ -17,32 +17,6 @@ using ColorTypes: eltype_default
a, b = promote(RGB(1,0,0), AGray(0.8))
@test isa(a, ARGB{Float64}) && isa(b, ARGB{Float64})

# Color parsing
redN0f8 = parse(Colorant, "red")
@test colorant"red" == redN0f8
@test isa(redN0f8, RGB{N0f8})
@test redN0f8 == RGB(1,0,0)
redF64 = convert(RGB{Float64}, redN0f8)
@test parse(RGB{Float64}, "red") === RGB{Float64}(1,0,0)
@test isa(parse(HSV, "blue"), HSV)
@test parse(Colorant, "rgb(55,217,127)") === RGB{N0f8}(r8(0x37),r8(0xd9),r8(0x7f))
@test colorant"rgb(55,217,127)" === RGB{N0f8}(r8(0x37),r8(0xd9),r8(0x7f))
@test parse(Colorant, "rgba(55,217,127,0.5)") === RGBA{N0f8}(r8(0x37),r8(0xd9),r8(0x7f),0.5)
@test parse(Colorant, "rgb(55,217,127)") === RGB{N0f8}(r8(0x37),r8(0xd9),r8(0x7f))
@test parse(Colorant, "rgba(55,217,127,0.5)") === RGBA{N0f8}(r8(0x37),r8(0xd9),r8(0x7f),0.5)
@test parse(Colorant, "hsl(120, 100%, 50%)") === HSL{Float32}(120,1.0,.5)
@test colorant"hsl(120, 100%, 50%)" === HSL{Float32}(120,1.0,.5)
@test parse(RGB{N0f8}, "hsl(120, 100%, 50%)") === convert(RGB{N0f8}, HSL{Float32}(120,1.0,.5))
@test_throws ErrorException parse(Colorant, "hsl(120, 100, 50)")
@test parse(Colorant, "#D0FF58") === RGB(r8(0xD0),r8(0xFF),r8(0x58))
@test parse(Colorant, "#FB0") === RGB(r8(0xFF),r8(0xBB),r8(0x00))

@test parse(Colorant, :red) === colorant"red"
@test parse(Colorant, colorant"red") === colorant"red"

@test hex(RGB(1,0.5,0)) == "FF8000"
@test hex(RGBA(1,0.5,0,0.25)) == "40FF8000"

# srgb_compand / invert_srgb_compand
@test Colors.srgb_compand(0.5) 0.7353569830524494 atol=eps()
@test Colors.invert_srgb_compand(0.7353569830524494) 0.5 atol=eps()
Expand All @@ -57,78 +31,62 @@ using ColorTypes: eltype_default

fractional_types = (RGB, BGR, RGB1, RGB4) # types that support Fractional

redF64 = RGB{Float64}(1,0,0)
redF32 = RGB{Float32}(1,0,0)
red24 = reinterpret(RGB24, 0x00ff0000)
red32 = reinterpret(ARGB32, 0xffff0000)
for T in (Float64, Float32, N0f8)
@testset "type check: RGB, RGB{$T}" for T in (Float64, Float32, N0f8)
c = RGB(one(T), zero(T), zero(T))
@test eltype(c) == T
c64 = convert(RGB{Float64}, c)
@test typeof(c64) == RGB{Float64}
@test c64 == redF64
cr = convert(RGB{T}, redF64)
@test cr == c
@test convert(RGB{Float64}, c) === redF64
@test convert(RGB{T}, redF64) == c
@test RGB(1,0,0) == redF64
@test RGB(convert(UInt8, 1),0,0) == redF64
@test RGB(convert(UInt8, 1),convert(UInt8, 0),convert(UInt8, 0)) == redF64
@test RGB(UInt8(1), 0, 0) == redF64
@test RGB(UInt8(1), UInt8(0), UInt8(0)) == redF64 # != colorant"#010000"
@test convert(RGB, red24) == redF64

@test convert(Gray{N0f8}, Gray{N0f8}(0.1)) == Gray{N0f8}(0.1)
@test convert(Gray{N0f8}, Gray(0.1)) == Gray{N0f8}(0.1)
@test convert(Gray{N0f8}, Gray24(0.1)) == Gray{N0f8}(0.1)
@test convert(Gray24, Gray{N0f8}(0.1)) == Gray24(0.1)

@test convert(RGB{N0f8}, Gray{N0f8}(0.1)) == RGB{N0f8}(0.1,0.1,0.1)
@test convert(RGB{N0f8}, Gray24(0.1)) == RGB{N0f8}(0.1,0.1,0.1)

for Cto in ColorTypes.parametric3
for Cfrom in ColorTypes.parametric3
for Tto in (Float32, Float64)
for Tfrom in (Float32, Float64)
c = convert(Cfrom{Tfrom}, redF64)
@test typeof(c) == Cfrom{Tfrom}
c1 = convert(Cto, c)
@test eltype(c1) == Tfrom
c2 = convert(Cto{Tto}, c)
@test typeof(c2) == Cto{Tto}
for Cto in ColorTypes.parametric3
@testset "type check: RGB24-->$Cto" for Cto in parametric3
@test typeof(convert(Cto, red24)) == Cto{eltype_default(Cto)}
@test typeof(convert(Cto{Float64}, red24)) == Cto{Float64}

@testset "type check: C{Float}-->C{Float}" for Cfrom in parametric3, Tfrom in (Float32, Float64)
c = convert(Cfrom{Tfrom}, redF64)
@test typeof(c) == Cfrom{Tfrom}
@testset "$Cfrom{$Tfrom}-->$Cto" for Cto in parametric3
c1 = convert(Cto, c)
@test eltype(c1) == Tfrom
@testset "$Cfrom{$Tfrom}-->$Cto{$Tto}" for Cto in parametric3, Tto in (Float32, Float64)
c2 = convert(Cto{Tto}, c)
@test typeof(c2) == Cto{Tto}

normed_types = (N0f8, N6f10, N4f12, N2f14, N0f16)
# Test conversion from Normed types
for Cto in ColorTypes.parametric3
for Cfrom in fractional_types
for Tto in (Float32, Float64)
for Tfrom in (N0f8, N6f10, N4f12, N2f14, N0f16)
c = convert(Cfrom{Tfrom}, redF64)
@test typeof(c) == Cfrom{Tfrom}
if !(eltype_default(Cto) <: FixedPoint)
c1 = convert(Cto, c)
@test eltype(c1) == eltype_default(Cto)
c2 = convert(Cto{Tto}, c)
@test typeof(c2) == Cto{Tto}
@testset "type check: C{Normed}-->C{Float}" for Cfrom in fractional_types, Tfrom in normed_types
c = convert(Cfrom{Tfrom}, redF64)
@test typeof(c) == Cfrom{Tfrom}
@testset "$Cfrom{$Tfrom}-->$Cto" for Cto in parametric3
eltype_default(Cto) <: FixedPoint && continue
c1 = convert(Cto, c)
@test eltype(c1) == eltype_default(Cto)
@testset "$Cfrom{$Tfrom}-->$Cto{$Tto}" for Cto in parametric3, Tto in (Float32, Float64)
c2 = convert(Cto{Tto}, c)
@test typeof(c2) == Cto{Tto}

# Test conversion to Normed types
for Cto in fractional_types
for Cfrom in ColorTypes.parametric3
for Tto in (N0f8, N6f10, N4f12, N2f14, N0f16)
for Tfrom in (Float32, Float64)
c = convert(Cfrom{Tfrom}, redF64)
@test typeof(c) == Cfrom{Tfrom}
c2 = convert(Cto{Tto}, c)
@test typeof(c2) == Cto{Tto}
@testset "type check: C{Float}-->C{Normed}" for Cfrom in parametric3, Tfrom in (Float32, Float64)
c = convert(Cfrom{Tfrom}, redF64)
@test typeof(c) == Cfrom{Tfrom}
@testset "$Cfrom{$Tfrom}-->$Cto{$Tto}" for Cto in fractional_types, Tto in normed_types
c2 = convert(Cto{Tto}, c)
@test typeof(c2) == Cto{Tto}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,13 +131,6 @@ using ColorTypes: eltype_default
@test isa(convert(Luv, convert(XYZ, redF64), Colors.WP_DEFAULT), Luv{Float64})
@test isa(convert(Luv{Float32}, convert(XYZ, redF64), Colors.WP_DEFAULT), Luv{Float32})

# Test vector space operations
@test LMS{Float64}(0.125,0.5,0.0)+LMS{Float64}(0.2,0.7,0.4) LMS{Float64}(0.325,1.2,0.4) atol=91eps()
@test 3LMS{Float64}(0.125,0.5,0.03) LMS{Float64}(0.375,1.5,0.09) atol=91eps()

@test XYZ{Float64}(0.125,0.5,0.0)+XYZ{Float64}(0.2,0.7,0.4) XYZ{Float64}(0.325,1.2,0.4) atol=91eps()
@test 3XYZ{Float64}(0.125,0.5,0.03) XYZ{Float64}(0.375,1.5,0.09) atol=91eps()

@test Colors.xyz_to_uv(XYZ{Float64}(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) === (0.0, 0.0)
@test Colors.xyz_to_uv(XYZ{Float64}(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) === (0.0, 0.6)
Expand All @@ -201,16 +152,35 @@ using ColorTypes: eltype_default
@test convert(RGB, YIQ(0.0,0.0,-1.0)) == RGB(0,-0.6474*v,0)

# Gray
c = Gray{N0f16}(0.8)
@test convert(RGB, c) == RGB{N0f16}(0.8,0.8,0.8)
@test convert(RGB{Float32}, c) == RGB{Float32}(0.8,0.8,0.8)
@test convert(Gray{N0f8}, Gray{N0f8}(0.1)) == Gray{N0f8}(0.1)
@test convert(Gray{N0f8}, Gray(0.1)) == Gray{N0f8}(0.1)
@test convert(Gray{N0f8}, Gray24(0.1)) == Gray{N0f8}(0.1)
@test convert(Gray24, Gray{N0f8}(0.1)) == Gray24(0.1)

for C in ColorTypes.parametric3
@test convert(RGB{N0f8}, Gray{N0f8}(0.1)) == RGB{N0f8}(0.1,0.1,0.1)
@test convert(RGB{N0f8}, Gray24(0.1)) == RGB{N0f8}(0.1,0.1,0.1)

grayN0f16 = Gray{N0f16}(0.8)
@test convert(RGB, grayN0f16) == RGB{N0f16}(0.8,0.8,0.8)
@test convert(RGB{Float32}, grayN0f16) == RGB{Float32}(0.8,0.8,0.8)

@testset "$C-->Gray" for C in parametric3
c = convert(C, RGB(1,1,1))
@test gray(convert(Gray, c)) 1 atol=0.01
@test gray(convert(Gray{Float64}, c)) 1 atol=0.01
g1 = convert(Gray, c)
@test isa(g1, Gray)
@test gray(g1) 1 atol=0.01
g2 = convert(Gray{Float64}, c)
@test typeof(g2) == Gray{Float64}
@test gray(g2) 1 atol=0.01

# Images issue #382
@test convert(Gray, RGBA(1,1,1,1)) == Gray(N0f8(1))

@test convert(Gray, RGB{N0f8}(0.145,0.145,0.145)) == Gray{N0f8}(0.145)

# More AbstractRGB
r4 = RGB4(1,0,0)
@test convert(RGB, r4) == RGB(1,0,0)
Expand All @@ -219,43 +189,71 @@ using ColorTypes: eltype_default
@test convert(RGB4{Float32}, r4) == RGB4{Float32}(1,0,0)
@test convert(BGR{Float32}, r4) == BGR{Float32}(1,0,0)

# Issue #257
c = RGB{Float16}(0.9473,0.962,0.9766)
hsi = convert(HSI, c)
@test hsi.i > 0.96 && hsi.h 210

# Test accuracy of conversion
csconv = jldopen(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "test_conversions.jld2")) do file
read(file, "csconv")

function convcompare(from, to, eps; showfailure::Bool=false)
# Since `colordiff`(e.g. `DE_2000`) involves a color space conversion, it is
# not suitable for evaluating the conversion itself. On the other hand,
# since the tolerance varies from component to component, a homogeneous
# error evaluation function (e.g. a simple sum of differences) is also not
# appropriate. Therefore, a series of `diffnorm`, which returns the
# normalized Euclidian distance, is defined as follows. They are just for
# testing purposes as the cyclicity of hue is ignored.
sqd(a, b, s=1.0) = ((float(a) - float(b))/s)^2
function diffnorm(a::T, b::T) where {T<:Color3} # RGB,XYZ,xyY,LMS
sqrt(sqd(comp1(a), comp1(b)) + sqd(comp2(a), comp2(b)) + sqd(comp3(a),comp3(b)))/sqrt(3)
function diffnorm(a::T, b::T) where {T<:Union{HSV,HSL,HSI}}
sqrt(sqd(a.h, b.h, 360) + sqd(a.s, b.s) + sqd(comp3(a), comp3(b)))/sqrt(3)
function diffnorm(a::T, b::T) where {T<:Union{Lab,Luv}}
sqrt(sqd(a.l, b.l, 100) + sqd(comp2(a), comp2(b), 200) + sqd(comp3(a), comp3(b), 200))/sqrt(3)
function diffnorm(a::T, b::T) where {T<:Union{LCHab,LCHuv}}
sqrt(sqd(a.l, b.l, 100) + sqd(a.c, b.c, 100) + sqd(a.h, b.h, 360))/sqrt(3)
function diffnorm(a::T, b::T) where {T<:Union{DIN99,DIN99d,DIN99o}} # csconv has no DIN99 case
sqrt(sqd(a.l, b.l, 100) + sqd(a.a, b.a, 100) + sqd(a.b, b.b, 100))/sqrt(3)
function diffnorm(a::T, b::T) where {T<:YIQ}
sqrt(sqd(a.y, b.y) + sqd(a.i, b.i, 1.2) + sqd(a.q, b.q, 1.2))/sqrt(3)
function diffnorm(a::T, b::T) where {T<:YCbCr}
sqrt(sqd(a.y, b.y, 219) + sqd(a.cb, b.cb, 224) + sqd(,, 224))/sqrt(3)

for C in ColorTypes.parametric3
y = convert(C, RGB(1.0,1.0,0.0))
b = convert(C, RGB(0.1,0.1,0.2))
diffnorm(y, b) < 0.5 && @warn("`diffnorm` for $C may be broken")

function convcompare(from, to, tol; showfailure::Bool=false)
errmax = 0.0
for i = 1:length(from)
t = to[i]
f = convert(typeof(t), from[i])
diff = abs(comp1(t)-comp1(f)) + abs(comp2(t)-comp2(f)) + abs(comp3(t)-comp3(f))
mag = abs(comp1(t)+comp1(f)) + abs(comp2(t)+comp2(f)) + abs(comp3(t)+comp3(f))
if showfailure && diff>eps*mag
diff = diffnorm(t, f)
if showfailure && diff>tol
original = from[i]
@show original f t
@show original f t diff
errmax = max(errmax, diff/mag)
errmax = max(errmax, diff)
errmax > eps && @warn("Error on conversions from $(eltype(from)) to $(eltype(to)), relative error = $errmax")
errmax <= eps
errmax > tol && @warn("Error on conversions from $(eltype(from)) to $(eltype(to)), relative error = $errmax")
errmax <= tol

for i = 1:length(csconv)
base_t(i, from_to) = base_color_type(eltype(csconv[i][from_to]))
@testset "accuracy test: $(base_t(i,1))-->$(base_t(i,2)) (index $i)" for i = 1:length(csconv)
f, t = csconv[i]
if !convcompare(f, t, 1e-3)
println(" index $i")
@test convcompare(f, t, 2e-3, showfailure=false)

# Images issue #382
@test convert(Gray, RGBA(1,1,1,1)) == Gray(N0f8(1))

@test convert(Gray, RGB{N0f8}(0.145,0.145,0.145)) == Gray{N0f8}(0.145)

# Issue #257
c = RGB{Float16}(0.9473,0.962,0.9766)
hsi = convert(HSI, c)
@test hsi.i > 0.96 && hsi.h 210
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions test/parse.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
using FixedPointNumbers

@testset "Parse" begin
r8(x) = reinterpret(N0f8, x)

# Color parsing
redN0f8 = parse(Colorant, "red")
@test colorant"red" == redN0f8
@test isa(redN0f8, RGB{N0f8})
@test redN0f8 == RGB(1,0,0)
@test parse(RGB{Float64}, "red") === RGB{Float64}(1,0,0)
@test isa(parse(HSV, "blue"), HSV)
@test parse(Colorant, "rgb(55,217,127)") === RGB{N0f8}(r8(0x37),r8(0xd9),r8(0x7f))
@test colorant"rgb(55,217,127)" === RGB{N0f8}(r8(0x37),r8(0xd9),r8(0x7f))
@test parse(Colorant, "rgba(55,217,127,0.5)") === RGBA{N0f8}(r8(0x37),r8(0xd9),r8(0x7f),0.5)
@test parse(Colorant, "rgb(55,217,127)") === RGB{N0f8}(r8(0x37),r8(0xd9),r8(0x7f))
@test parse(Colorant, "rgba(55,217,127,0.5)") === RGBA{N0f8}(r8(0x37),r8(0xd9),r8(0x7f),0.5)
@test parse(Colorant, "hsl(120, 100%, 50%)") === HSL{Float32}(120,1.0,.5)
@test colorant"hsl(120, 100%, 50%)" === HSL{Float32}(120,1.0,.5)
@test parse(RGB{N0f8}, "hsl(120, 100%, 50%)") === convert(RGB{N0f8}, HSL{Float32}(120,1.0,.5))
@test_throws ErrorException parse(Colorant, "hsl(120, 100, 50)")
@test parse(Colorant, "#D0FF58") === RGB(r8(0xD0),r8(0xFF),r8(0x58))
@test parse(Colorant, "#FB0") === RGB(r8(0xFF),r8(0xBB),r8(0x00))

@test parse(Colorant, :red) === colorant"red"
@test parse(Colorant, colorant"red") === colorant"red"

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,5 @@ include("colormaps.jl")
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions test/utilities.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
using Colors, FixedPointNumbers, Test, InteractiveUtils

@testset "Utilities" begin

@test hex(RGB(1,0.5,0)) == "FF8000"
@test hex(RGBA(1,0.5,0,0.25)) == "40FF8000"

# test utility function weighted_color_mean
parametric2 = [GrayA,AGray32,AGray]
parametric3 = ColorTypes.parametric3
Expand Down

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