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work on 4D SDI contrast curves
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mileslucas committed Feb 23, 2024
1 parent 41659ef commit b28bc46
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Showing 2 changed files with 113 additions and 3 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "ADI"
uuid = "904a6c7d-4c1b-562f-9573-ab2e7e1c7946"
authors = ["Miles Lucas <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.9.0"
version = "0.9.1"

ConcreteStructs = "2569d6c7-a4a2-43d3-a901-331e8e4be471"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Distances = "0.10"
Distributions = "0.23, 0.24, 0.25"
FillArrays = "0.8, 0.9, 0.10, 0.11,1"
HCIToolbox = "0.6.2"
ImageTransformations = "0.8,0.9"
ImageTransformations = "0.8,0.9,0.10"
NMF = "0.5.3,1"
Photometry = "0.9"
ProgressLogging = "0.1"
Expand Down
112 changes: 111 additions & 1 deletion src/metrics/contrast.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ function contrast_curve(alg, cube, angles, psf, args...;
# measure the noise and throughput in consecutive resolution elements
# across azimuthal branches
@info "Calculating Throughput"
reduced_empty = alg(cube, angles; kwargs...)
reduced_empty = alg(cube, angles, args...; kwargs...)

through, meta = throughput(alg, cube, angles, psf, args...;
fwhm=fwhm, inner_rad=inner_rad, fc_rad_sep=fc_rad_sep, theta=theta,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,6 +284,76 @@ function _fix_range(radii, cube::MultiAnnulusView)
filter(r -> rmin r rmax, radii)

function throughput(alg, cube::AbstractArray{T,4}, angles, psf_model, scales;
fwhm, nbranch=1, theta=0, inner_rad=1, fc_rad_sep=3,
snr=100, reduced_empty = nothing, flux_scale=ones(size(cube, 3)), kwargs...) where T
maxfcsep = minimum(size(cube)[begin:begin + 1]) ÷ (2 * fwhm) - 1
# too large separation between companions in the radial patterns
3 fc_rad_sep maxfcsep || error("`fc_rad_sep` should lie ∈[3, $(maxfcsep)], got $fc_rad_sep")

# compute noise in concentric annuli on the empty frame
if isnothing(reduced_empty)
reduced_empty = alg(cube, angles, scales; kwargs...)

cx, cy = center(reduced_empty)

n_annuli = minimum(floor.(Int, ((cx, cy) .- fwhm) ./ fwhm) .- 1)
radii = _fix_range(fwhm .* (inner_rad:n_annuli), cube)

sint, cost = sincosd(theta)
noise = map(radii) do r
x = cx + r * cost
y = cy + r * sint
Metrics.noise(reduced_empty, (x, y), fwhm)

angle_per_branch = 360 / nbranch
output = similar(cube, length(radii), nbranch)

tmp_cube = similar(cube)
fake_comps_full = zero(reduced_empty)
tmp_frame = similar(reduced_empty)
@progress name="branch" for branch in 1:nbranch
θ = theta + angle_per_branch * (branch - 1)
δy, δx = sincosd(θ)
@progress name="pattern" for init_rad in 1:fc_rad_sep
slice = init_rad:fc_rad_sep:lastindex(radii)

# reset work arrays
fill!(tmp_frame, zero(T))
copyto!(tmp_cube, cube)

apertures = map(slice) do ann
r = radii[ann]
x = r * δx + cx
y = r * δy + cy

A = snr * noise[ann]

inject!(tmp_frame, psf_model; x, y, amp=mean(A .* flux_scale), fwhm)
for wl_idx in axes(tmp_cube, 3)
inject!(tmp_cube, psf_model, angles; x, y, amp=A * flux_scale[wl_idx], fwhm)

return CircularAperture(x, y, fwhm / 2)
# add fake comps to output frame
fake_comps_full .+= tmp_frame

# get reduced output after subtracting and collapsing
reduced = alg(tmp_cube, angles; kwargs...)

injected_flux = photometry(apertures, tmp_frame).aperture_sum
recovered_flux = photometry(apertures, reduced .- reduced_empty).aperture_sum
@. output[slice, branch] = max(zero(T), recovered_flux / injected_flux)

return output, (distance=radii, fake_comps=fake_comps_full, noise=noise)

throughput(alg, cube, angles, psf, position;
fwhm, snr=100,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -328,3 +398,43 @@ function throughput(alg, cube::AbstractArray{T,3}, angles, psf_model, (x, y); fw

return throughput

throughput(alg, sdi_cube, angles, scales, psf, position;
fwhm, snr=100, flux_scale=1,
verbose=true, kwargs...)
Calculate throughput for an SDI cube with radially scaling list `scales` and flux scaling list `flux_scale`.
function throughput(alg, cube::AbstractArray{T,4}, angles, psf_model, scales, (x, y); fwhm,
snr=100, reduced_empty=nothing, verbose=true, flux_scale=ones(size(cube, 3)), kwargs...) where T

if reduced_empty === nothing
verbose && @info "Calculating empty reduced frame"
reduced_empty = alg(cube, angles, scales; kwargs...)

# find amplitude of injected PSF
noise = Metrics.noise(reduced_empty, (x, y), fwhm)
A = snr * noise

ap = CircularAperture(x, y, fwhm/2)
fake_comp_cube = copy(cube)
injected_fluxes = zeros(size(cube, 3))
for i in axes(cube, 3)
verbose && @info "Injecting companion at x=$x y=$y with amp=$A"
fake_comp = inject!(zero(reduced_empty), psf_model; x, y, amp=A * flux_scale[i], fwhm)
injected_fluxes[i] = photometry(ap, fake_comp).aperture_sum
inject!(fake_comp_cube[:, :, i, :], psf_model, angles; x, y, amp=A, fwhm)
verbose && @info "Calculating reduced frame with fake companion injected"
reduced = alg(fake_comp_cube, angles, scales; kwargs...)

verbose && @info "Calculating throughput"
recovered_flux = photometry(ap, reduced .- reduced_empty).aperture_sum
throughput = max(zero(T), recovered_flux / mean(injected_fluxes))

return throughput

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