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Merge pull request #531 from JuliaHealth/time-curve
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Flexibilize the definition of motion time spans
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cncastillo authored Jan 6, 2025
2 parents 99dc53a + c20de8f commit 782e543
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Showing 21 changed files with 2,436 additions and 1,037 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion KomaMRIBase/src/KomaMRIBase.jl
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Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ export MotionList, NoMotion, Motion
export Translate, TranslateX, TranslateY, TranslateZ
export Rotate, RotateX, RotateY, RotateZ
export HeartBeat, Path, FlowPath
export TimeRange, Periodic
export TimeRange, Periodic, TimeCurve
export SpinRange, AllSpins
export get_spin_coords
# Secondary
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66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions KomaMRIBase/src/motion/Interpolation.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# We defined two types of Interpolation objects: Interpolator1D and Interpolator2D
# 1D is for interpolating for 1 spin
# 2D is for interpolating for 2 or more spins
# This dispatch based on the number of spins wouldn't be necessary if it weren't for this:
# Once this issue is solved, this file should be simpler.
# We should then be able to define a single method for functions:
# - interpolate
# - resample
# and delete the Interpolator1D and Interpolator2D definitions

const Interpolator1D = Interpolations.GriddedInterpolation{
} where {

const Interpolator2D = Interpolations.GriddedInterpolation{
} where {
K<:Tuple{AbstractVector{TNodes}, AbstractVector{TNodes}},
function GriddedInterpolation(nodes, A, ITP)
return Interpolations.GriddedInterpolation{eltype(A), length(nodes), typeof(A), typeof(ITP), typeof(nodes)}(nodes, A, ITP)

function interpolate(d, ITPType, Ns::Val{1}, t)
_, Nt = size(d)
t_knots = _similar(t, Nt); copyto!(t_knots, collect(range(zero(eltype(t)), oneunit(eltype(t)), Nt)))
return GriddedInterpolation((t_knots, ), d[:], ITPType)

function interpolate(d, ITPType, Ns::Val, t)
Ns, Nt = size(d)
id_knots = _similar(t, Ns); copyto!(id_knots, collect(range(oneunit(eltype(t)), eltype(t)(Ns), Ns)))
t_knots = _similar(t, Nt); copyto!(t_knots, collect(range(zero(eltype(t)), oneunit(eltype(t)), Nt)))
return GriddedInterpolation((id_knots, t_knots), d, ITPType)

function resample(itp::Interpolator1D, t)
return itp.(t)

function resample(itp::Interpolator2D, t)
Ns = size(itp.coefs, 1)
id = _similar(t, Ns)
copyto!(id, collect(range(oneunit(eltype(t)), eltype(t)(Ns), Ns)))
return itp.(id, t)

function interpolate_times(t, t_unit, periodic, tq)
itp = GriddedInterpolation((t, ), t_unit, Gridded(Linear()))
return extrapolate(itp, periodic ? Interpolations.Periodic() : Flat()).(tq)

_similar(a, N) = similar(a, N)
_similar(a::Real, N) = zeros(typeof(a), N)
38 changes: 19 additions & 19 deletions KomaMRIBase/src/motion/Motion.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ that are affected by that motion.
# Arguments
- `action`: (`::AbstractAction{T<:Real}`) action, such as [`Translate`](@ref) or [`Rotate`](@ref)
- `time`: (`::AbstractTimeSpan{T<:Real}`, `=TimeRange(0.0)`) time information about the motion
- `time`: (`::TimeCurve{T<:Real}`, `=TimeRange(0.0)`) time information about the motion
- `spins`: (`::AbstractSpinSpan`, `=AllSpins()`) spin indexes affected by the motion
# Returns
Expand All @@ -28,22 +28,22 @@ julia> motion = Motion(
@with_kw mutable struct Motion{T<:Real}
time ::AbstractTimeSpan{T} = TimeRange(zero(typeof(action).parameters[1]))
spins ::AbstractSpinSpan = AllSpins()
time ::TimeCurve{T} = TimeRange(t_start=zero(typeof(action).parameters[1]), t_end=eps(typeof(action).parameters[1]))
spins ::AbstractSpinSpan = AllSpins()

# Main constructors
function Motion(action)
T = first(typeof(action).parameters)
return Motion(action, TimeRange(zero(T)), AllSpins())
return Motion(action, TimeRange(t_start=zero(T), t_end=eps(T)), AllSpins())
function Motion(action, time::AbstractTimeSpan)
function Motion(action, time::TimeCurve)
T = first(typeof(action).parameters)
return Motion(action, time, AllSpins())
function Motion(action, spins::AbstractSpinSpan)
T = first(typeof(action).parameters)
return Motion(action, TimeRange(zero(T)), spins)
return Motion(action, TimeRange(t_start=zero(T), t_end=eps(T)), spins)

# Custom constructors
Expand All @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ end
- `dx`: (`::Real`, `[m]`) translation in x
- `dy`: (`::Real`, `[m]`) translation in y
- `dz`: (`::Real`, `[m]`) translation in z
- `time`: (`::AbstractTimeSpan{T<:Real}`) time information about the motion
- `time`: (`::TimeCurve{T<:Real}`) time information about the motion
- `spins`: (`::AbstractSpinSpan`) spin indexes affected by the motion
# Returns
Expand All @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ end
julia> translate = Translate(0.01, 0.02, 0.03, TimeRange(0.0, 1.0), SpinRange(1:10))
function Translate(dx, dy, dz, time=TimeRange(zero(eltype(dx))), spins=AllSpins())
function Translate(dx, dy, dz, time=TimeRange(t_start=zero(eltype(dx)), t_end=eps(eltype(dx))), spins=AllSpins())
return Motion(Translate(dx, dy, dz), time, spins)

Expand All @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ end
- `pitch`: (`::Real`, `[º]`) rotation in x
- `roll`: (`::Real`, `[º]`) rotation in y
- `yaw`: (`::Real`, `[º]`) rotation in z
- `time`: (`::AbstractTimeSpan{T<:Real}`) time information about the motion
- `time`: (`::TimeCurve{T<:Real}`) time information about the motion
- `spins`: (`::AbstractSpinSpan`) spin indexes affected by the motion
# Returns
Expand All @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ end
julia> rotate = Rotate(15.0, 0.0, 20.0, TimeRange(0.0, 1.0), SpinRange(1:10))
function Rotate(pitch, roll, yaw, time=TimeRange(zero(eltype(pitch))), spins=AllSpins())
function Rotate(pitch, roll, yaw, time=TimeRange(t_start=zero(eltype(pitch)), t_end=eps(eltype(pitch))), spins=AllSpins())
return Motion(Rotate(pitch, roll, yaw), time, spins)

Expand All @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ end
- `circumferential_strain`: (`::Real`) contraction parameter
- `radial_strain`: (`::Real`) contraction parameter
- `longitudinal_strain`: (`::Real`) contraction parameter
- `time`: (`::AbstractTimeSpan{T<:Real}`) time information about the motion
- `time`: (`::TimeCurve{T<:Real}`) time information about the motion
- `spins`: (`::AbstractSpinSpan`) spin indexes affected by the motion
# Returns
Expand All @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ end
julia> heartbeat = HeartBeat(-0.3, -0.2, 0.0, TimeRange(0.0, 1.0), SpinRange(1:10))
function HeartBeat(circumferential_strain, radial_strain, longitudinal_strain, time=TimeRange(zero(eltype(circumferential_strain))), spins=AllSpins())
function HeartBeat(circumferential_strain, radial_strain, longitudinal_strain, time=TimeRange(t_start=zero(eltype(circumferential_strain)), t_end=eps(eltype(circumferential_strain))), spins=AllSpins())
return Motion(HeartBeat(circumferential_strain, radial_strain, longitudinal_strain), time, spins)

Expand All @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ end
- `dx`: (`::AbstractArray{T<:Real}`, `[m]`) displacements in x
- `dy`: (`::AbstractArray{T<:Real}`, `[m]`) displacements in y
- `dz`: (`::AbstractArray{T<:Real}`, `[m]`) displacements in z
- `time`: (`::AbstractTimeSpan{T<:Real}`) time information about the motion
- `time`: (`::TimeCurve{T<:Real}`) time information about the motion
- `spins`: (`::AbstractSpinSpan`) spin indexes affected by the motion
# Returns
Expand All @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ julia> path = Path(
function Path(dx, dy, dz, time=TimeRange(zero(eltype(dx))), spins=AllSpins())
function Path(dx, dy, dz, time=TimeRange(t_start=zero(eltype(dx)), t_end=eps(eltype(dx))), spins=AllSpins())
return Motion(Path(dx, dy, dz), time, spins)

Expand All @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ end
- `dy`: (`::AbstractArray{T<:Real}`, `[m]`) displacements in y
- `dz`: (`::AbstractArray{T<:Real}`, `[m]`) displacements in z
- `spin_reset`: (`::AbstractArray{Bool}`) reset spin state flags
- `time`: (`::AbstractTimeSpan{T<:Real}`) time information about the motion
- `time`: (`::TimeCurve{T<:Real}`) time information about the motion
- `spins`: (`::AbstractSpinSpan`) spin indexes affected by the motion
# Returns
Expand All @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ julia> flowpath = FlowPath(
function FlowPath(dx, dy, dz, spin_reset, time=TimeRange(zero(eltype(dx))), spins=AllSpins())
function FlowPath(dx, dy, dz, spin_reset, time=TimeRange(t_start=zero(eltype(dx)), t_end=eps(eltype(dx))), spins=AllSpins())
return Motion(FlowPath(dx, dy, dz, spin_reset), time, spins)

Expand All @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ function get_spin_coords(
m::Motion{T}, x::AbstractVector{T}, y::AbstractVector{T}, z::AbstractVector{T}, t
) where {T<:Real}
ux, uy, uz = x .* (0*t), y .* (0*t), z .* (0*t) # Buffers for displacements
t_unit = unit_time(t, m.time)
t_unit = unit_time(t, m.time.t, m.time.t_unit, m.time.periodic, m.time.periods)
idx = get_indexing_range(m.spins)
displacement_x!(@view(ux[idx, :]), m.action, @view(x[idx]), @view(y[idx]), @view(z[idx]), t_unit)
displacement_y!(@view(uy[idx, :]), m.action, @view(x[idx]), @view(y[idx]), @view(z[idx]), t_unit)
Expand All @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ function get_spin_coords(

# Auxiliary functions
times(m::Motion) = times(m.time)
times(m::Motion) = times(m.time.t, m.time.periods)
is_composable(m::Motion) = is_composable(m.action)
add_jump_times!(t, m::Motion) = add_jump_times!(t, m.action, m.time)
add_jump_times!(t, ::AbstractAction, ::AbstractTimeSpan) = nothing
add_jump_times!(t, ::AbstractAction, ::TimeCurve) = nothing
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions KomaMRIBase/src/motion/MotionList.jl
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ function get_spin_coords(
ux, uy, uz = xt .* zero(T), yt .* zero(T), zt .* zero(T)
# Composable motions: they need to be run sequentially. Note that they depend on xt, yt, and zt
for m in Iterators.filter(is_composable, ml.motions)
t_unit = unit_time(t, m.time)
t_unit = unit_time(t, m.time.t, m.time.t_unit, m.time.periodic, m.time.periods)
idx = get_indexing_range(m.spins)
displacement_x!(@view(ux[idx, :]), m.action, @view(xt[idx, :]), @view(yt[idx, :]), @view(zt[idx, :]), t_unit)
displacement_y!(@view(uy[idx, :]), m.action, @view(xt[idx, :]), @view(yt[idx, :]), @view(zt[idx, :]), t_unit)
Expand All @@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ function get_spin_coords(
# Additive motions: these motions can be run in parallel
for m in Iterators.filter(!is_composable, ml.motions)
t_unit = unit_time(t, m.time)
t_unit = unit_time(t, m.time.t, m.time.t_unit, m.time.periodic, m.time.periods)
idx = get_indexing_range(m.spins)
displacement_x!(@view(ux[idx, :]), m.action, @view(x[idx]), @view(y[idx]), @view(z[idx]), t_unit)
displacement_y!(@view(uy[idx, :]), m.action, @view(x[idx]), @view(y[idx]), @view(z[idx]), t_unit)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ If `motionset::MotionList`, this function sorts its motions.
- `nothing`
function sort_motions!(m::MotionList)
sort!(m.motions; by=m -> times(m)[1])
sort!(m.motions; by=m -> m.time.t_start)
return nothing

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136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions KomaMRIBase/src/motion/TimeCurve.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
@doc raw"""
timecurve = TimeCurve(t, t_unit, periodic, periods)
TimeCurve struct. It is a specialized type that defines a time curve, which represents
the temporal behavior of motion. This curve is defined by two vectors:
`t` and `t_unit`, which represent the horizontal (x-axis) and vertical (y-axis) axes
of the curve, respectively. To some extent, this curve can be associated with animation curves,
commonly found in software for video editing, 3D scene creation, or video game development.
Additionally, the TimeCurve struct contains two more fields, independent of each other:
`periodic` is a Boolean that indicates whether the time curve should be repeated periodically.
`periods` contains as many elements as repetitions are desired in the time curve.
Each element specifies the scaling factor for that repetition.
# Arguments
- `t`: (`::AbstractVector{<:Real}`, `[s]`) time vector
- `t_unit`: (`::AbstractVector{<:Real}`) y vector, it needs to be scaled between 0 and 1
- `periodic`: (`::Bool`, `=false`) indicates whether the time curve should be periodically repeated
- `periods`: (`::Union{<:Real,AbstractVector{<:Real}}`, `=1.0`): represents the relative duration
of each period with respect to the baseline duration defined by `t[end] - t[1]`.
In other words, it acts as a scaling factor to lengthen or shorten specific periods.
This allows for the creation of patterns such as arrhythmias or other variations in periodicity.
# Returns
- `timecurve`: (`::TimeCurve`) TimeCurve struct
# Examples
1\. Non-periodic motion with a single repetition:
julia> timecurve = TimeCurve(t=[0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6], t_unit=[0.0, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0])
![Time Curve 1](../assets/time-curve-1.svg)
2\. Periodic motion with a single repetition:
julia> timecurve = TimeCurve(t=[0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6], t_unit=[0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0], periodic=true)
![Time Curve 2](../assets/time-curve-2.svg)
3\. Non-periodic motion with multiple repetitions:
julia> timecurve = TimeCurve(t=[0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6], t_unit=[0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0], periods=[1.0, 0.5, 1.5])
![Time Curve 3](../assets/time-curve-3.svg)
4\. Periodic motion with multiple repetitions:
julia> timecurve = TimeCurve(t=[0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6], t_unit=[0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0], periods=[1.0, 0.5, 1.5], periodic=true)
![Time Curve 4](../assets/time-curve-4.svg)
@with_kw struct TimeCurve{T<:Real}
periodic::Bool = false
periods::Union{T,AbstractVector{T}} = oneunit(eltype(t))
t_start::T = t[1]
t_end::T = t[end]
@assert check_unique(t) "Vector t=$(t) contains duplicate elements. Please ensure all elements in t are unique and try again"

check_unique(t) = true
check_unique(t::Vector) = length(t) == length(unique(t))

# Main Constructors
TimeCurve(t, t_unit, periodic, periods) = TimeCurve(t=t, t_unit=t_unit, periodic=periodic, periods=periods)
TimeCurve(t, t_unit) = TimeCurve(t=t, t_unit=t_unit)
# Custom constructors
timerange = TimeRange(t_start, t_end)
The `TimeRange` function is a custom constructor for the `TimeCurve` struct.
It allows defining a simple time interval, with start and end times.
# Arguments
- `t_start`: (`::Real`, `[s]`, `=0.0`) start time
- `t_end`: (`::Real`, `[s]`, `=1.0`) end time
# Returns
- `timerange`: (`::TimeCurve`) TimeCurve struct
# Examples
julia> timerange = TimeRange(t_start=0.6, t_end=1.4)
![Time Range](../assets/time-range.svg)
TimeRange(t_start::T, t_end::T) where T = TimeCurve(t=[t_start, t_end], t_unit=[zero(T), oneunit(T)])
TimeRange(; t_start=0.0, t_end=1.0) = TimeRange(t_start, t_end)
periodic = Periodic(period, asymmetry)
The `Periodic` function is a custom constructor for the `TimeCurve` struct.
It allows defining time intervals that repeat periodically with a triangular period.
It includes a measure of asymmetry in order to recreate a asymmetric period.
# Arguments
- `period`: (`::Real`, `[s]`, `=1.0`) period duration
- `asymmetry`: (`::Real`, `=0.5`) temporal asymmetry factor. Between 0 and 1.
# Returns
- `periodic`: (`::TimeCurve`) TimeCurve struct
# Examples
julia> periodic = Periodic(period=1.0, asymmetry=0.2)
Periodic(period::T, asymmetry::T) where T = TimeCurve(t=[zero(T), period*asymmetry, period], t_unit=[zero(T), oneunit(T), zero(T)])
Periodic(; period=1.0, asymmetry=0.5) = Periodic(period, asymmetry)

""" Compare two TimeCurves """
Base.:(==)(t1::TimeCurve, t2::TimeCurve) = reduce(&, [getfield(t1, field) == getfield(t2, field) for field in fieldnames(typeof(t1))])
Base.:()(t1::TimeCurve, t2::TimeCurve) = reduce(&, [getfield(t1, field) getfield(t2, field) for field in fieldnames(typeof(t1))])

""" times & unit_time """
# Although the implementation of these two functions when `per` is a vector is valid
# for all cases, it performs unnecessary and costly operations when `per` is a scalar.
# Therefore, it has been decided to use method dispatch between these two cases.
function times(t, per::Real)
return per .* t
function times(t, per::AbstractVector)
tr = repeat(t, length(per))
scale = repeat(per, inner=[length(t)])
offsets = repeat(vcat(0, cumsum(per)[1:end-1]), inner=[length(t)])
tr .= (tr .* scale) .+ offsets
return tr
function unit_time(tq, t, t_unit, periodic, per::Real)
return interpolate_times(t .* per, t_unit, periodic, tq)
function unit_time(tq, t, t_unit, periodic, per::AbstractVector)
return interpolate_times(times(t, per), repeat(t_unit, length(per)), periodic, tq)

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