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Remove &x convention in ccall in gmp (#23289)
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musm authored and rfourquet committed Aug 26, 2017
1 parent 9b3b2ff commit 119cf4c
Showing 1 changed file with 32 additions and 35 deletions.
67 changes: 32 additions & 35 deletions base/gmp.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ function __init__()
if version().major != VERSION.major || bits_per_limb() != BITS_PER_LIMB
msg = bits_per_limb() != BITS_PER_LIMB ? error : warn
msg(string("The dynamically loaded GMP library (version $(version()) with __gmp_bits_per_limb == $(bits_per_limb()))\n",
"does not correspond to the compile time version (version $VERSION with __gmp_bits_per_limb == $BITS_PER_LIMB).\n",
"Please rebuild Julia."))
msg("The dynamically loaded GMP library (v\"$(version())\" with __gmp_bits_per_limb == $(bits_per_limb()))\n",
"does not correspond to the compile time version (v\"$VERSION\" with __gmp_bits_per_limb == $BITS_PER_LIMB).\n",
"Please rebuild Julia.")

ccall((:__gmp_set_memory_functions, :libgmp), Void,
Expand All @@ -98,8 +98,7 @@ function __init__()
ZERO.alloc, ZERO.size, ZERO.d = 0, 0, C_NULL
ONE.alloc, ONE.size, ONE.d = 1, 1, pointer(_ONE)
catch ex
"WARNING: Error during initialization of module GMP")
Base.showerror_nostdio(ex, "WARNING: Error during initialization of module GMP")

Expand All @@ -113,57 +112,57 @@ module MPZ
# and `add!(x, a) = add!(x, x, a)`.
using Base.GMP: BigInt, Limb

const mpz_t = Ptr{BigInt}
const mpz_t = Ref{BigInt}
const bitcnt_t = Culong

gmpz(op::Symbol) = (Symbol(:__gmpz_, op), :libgmp)

init!(x::BigInt) = (ccall((:__gmpz_init, :libgmp), Void, (mpz_t,), &x); x)
init2!(x::BigInt, a) = (ccall((:__gmpz_init2, :libgmp), Void, (mpz_t, bitcnt_t), &x, a); x)
init!(x::BigInt) = (ccall((:__gmpz_init, :libgmp), Void, (mpz_t,), x); x)
init2!(x::BigInt, a) = (ccall((:__gmpz_init2, :libgmp), Void, (mpz_t, bitcnt_t), x, a); x)

realloc2!(x, a) = (ccall((:__gmpz_realloc2, :libgmp), Void, (mpz_t, bitcnt_t), &x, a); x)
realloc2!(x, a) = (ccall((:__gmpz_realloc2, :libgmp), Void, (mpz_t, bitcnt_t), x, a); x)
realloc2(a) = realloc2!(BigInt(), a)

sizeinbase(a::BigInt, b) = Int(ccall((:__gmpz_sizeinbase, :libgmp), Csize_t, (mpz_t, Cint), &a, b))
sizeinbase(a::BigInt, b) = Int(ccall((:__gmpz_sizeinbase, :libgmp), Csize_t, (mpz_t, Cint), a, b))

for op in (:add, :sub, :mul, :fdiv_q, :tdiv_q, :fdiv_r, :tdiv_r, :gcd, :lcm, :and, :ior, :xor)
op! = Symbol(op, :!)
@eval begin
$op!(x::BigInt, a::BigInt, b::BigInt) = (ccall($(gmpz(op)), Void, (mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t), &x, &a, &b); x)
$op!(x::BigInt, a::BigInt, b::BigInt) = (ccall($(gmpz(op)), Void, (mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t), x, a, b); x)
$op(a::BigInt, b::BigInt) = $op!(BigInt(), a, b)
$op!(x::BigInt, b::BigInt) = $op!(x, x, b)

invert!(x::BigInt, a::BigInt, b::BigInt) =
ccall((:__gmpz_invert, :libgmp), Cint, (mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t), &x, &a, &b)
ccall((:__gmpz_invert, :libgmp), Cint, (mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t), x, a, b)
invert(a::BigInt, b::BigInt) = invert!(BigInt(), a, b)
invert!(x::BigInt, b::BigInt) = invert!(x, x, b)

for op in (:add_ui, :sub_ui, :mul_ui, :mul_2exp, :fdiv_q_2exp, :pow_ui, :bin_ui)
op! = Symbol(op, :!)
@eval begin
$op!(x::BigInt, a::BigInt, b) = (ccall($(gmpz(op)), Void, (mpz_t, mpz_t, Culong), &x, &a, b); x)
$op!(x::BigInt, a::BigInt, b) = (ccall($(gmpz(op)), Void, (mpz_t, mpz_t, Culong), x, a, b); x)
$op(a::BigInt, b) = $op!(BigInt(), a, b)
$op!(x::BigInt, b) = $op!(x, x, b)

ui_sub!(x::BigInt, a, b::BigInt) = (ccall((:__gmpz_ui_sub, :libgmp), Void, (mpz_t, Culong, mpz_t), &x, a, &b); x)
ui_sub!(x::BigInt, a, b::BigInt) = (ccall((:__gmpz_ui_sub, :libgmp), Void, (mpz_t, Culong, mpz_t), x, a, b); x)
ui_sub(a, b::BigInt) = ui_sub!(BigInt(), a, b)

for op in (:scan1, :scan0)
@eval $op(a::BigInt, b) = Int(ccall($(gmpz(op)), Culong, (mpz_t, Culong), &a, b))
@eval $op(a::BigInt, b) = Int(ccall($(gmpz(op)), Culong, (mpz_t, Culong), a, b))

mul_si!(x::BigInt, a::BigInt, b) = (ccall((:__gmpz_mul_si, :libgmp), Void, (mpz_t, mpz_t, Clong), &x, &a, b); x)
mul_si!(x::BigInt, a::BigInt, b) = (ccall((:__gmpz_mul_si, :libgmp), Void, (mpz_t, mpz_t, Clong), x, a, b); x)
mul_si(a::BigInt, b) = mul_si!(BigInt(), a, b)
mul_si!(x::BigInt, b) = mul_si!(x, x, b)

for op in (:neg, :com, :sqrt, :set)
op! = Symbol(op, :!)
@eval begin
$op!(x::BigInt, a::BigInt) = (ccall($(gmpz(op)), Void, (mpz_t, mpz_t), &x, &a); x)
$op!(x::BigInt, a::BigInt) = (ccall($(gmpz(op)), Void, (mpz_t, mpz_t), x, a); x)
$op(a::BigInt) = $op!(BigInt(), a)
op == :set && continue # MPZ.set!(x) would make no sense
Expand All @@ -173,51 +172,49 @@ end
for (op, T) in ((:fac_ui, Culong), (:set_ui, Culong), (:set_si, Clong), (:set_d, Cdouble))
op! = Symbol(op, :!)
@eval begin
$op!(x::BigInt, a) = (ccall($(gmpz(op)), Void, (mpz_t, $T), &x, a); x)
$op!(x::BigInt, a) = (ccall($(gmpz(op)), Void, (mpz_t, $T), x, a); x)
$op(a) = $op!(BigInt(), a)

popcount(a::BigInt) = Int(ccall((:__gmpz_popcount, :libgmp), Culong, (mpz_t,), &a))
popcount(a::BigInt) = Int(ccall((:__gmpz_popcount, :libgmp), Culong, (mpz_t,), a))

mpn_popcount(d::Ptr{Limb}, s::Integer) = Int(ccall((:__gmpn_popcount, :libgmp), Culong, (Ptr{Limb}, Csize_t), d, s))
mpn_popcount(a::BigInt) = mpn_popcount(a.d, abs(a.size))

function tdiv_qr!(x::BigInt, y::BigInt, a::BigInt, b::BigInt)
ccall((:__gmpz_tdiv_qr, :libgmp), Void, (mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t), &x, &y, &a, &b)
ccall((:__gmpz_tdiv_qr, :libgmp), Void, (mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t), x, y, a, b)
x, y
tdiv_qr(a::BigInt, b::BigInt) = tdiv_qr!(BigInt(), BigInt(), a, b)

powm!(x::BigInt, a::BigInt, b::BigInt, c::BigInt) =
(ccall((:__gmpz_powm, :libgmp), Void, (mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t), &x, &a, &b, &c); x)
(ccall((:__gmpz_powm, :libgmp), Void, (mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t), x, a, b, c); x)
powm(a::BigInt, b::BigInt, c::BigInt) = powm!(BigInt(), a, b, c)
powm!(x::BigInt, b::BigInt, c::BigInt) = powm!(x, x, b, c)

function gcdext!(x::BigInt, y::BigInt, z::BigInt, a::BigInt, b::BigInt)
ccall((:__gmpz_gcdext, :libgmp), Void, (mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t),
&x, &y, &z, &a, &b)
ccall((:__gmpz_gcdext, :libgmp), Void, (mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t, mpz_t), x, y, z, a, b)
x, y, z
gcdext(a::BigInt, b::BigInt) = gcdext!(BigInt(), BigInt(), BigInt(), a, b)

cmp(a::BigInt, b::BigInt) = Int(ccall((:__gmpz_cmp, :libgmp), Cint, (mpz_t, mpz_t), &a, &b))
cmp_si(a::BigInt, b) = Int(ccall((:__gmpz_cmp_si, :libgmp), Cint, (mpz_t, Clong), &a, b))
cmp_ui(a::BigInt, b) = Int(ccall((:__gmpz_cmp_ui, :libgmp), Cint, (mpz_t, Culong), &a, b))
cmp_d(a::BigInt, b) = Int(ccall((:__gmpz_cmp_d, :libgmp), Cint, (mpz_t, Cdouble), &a, b))
cmp(a::BigInt, b::BigInt) = Int(ccall((:__gmpz_cmp, :libgmp), Cint, (mpz_t, mpz_t), a, b))
cmp_si(a::BigInt, b) = Int(ccall((:__gmpz_cmp_si, :libgmp), Cint, (mpz_t, Clong), a, b))
cmp_ui(a::BigInt, b) = Int(ccall((:__gmpz_cmp_ui, :libgmp), Cint, (mpz_t, Culong), a, b))
cmp_d(a::BigInt, b) = Int(ccall((:__gmpz_cmp_d, :libgmp), Cint, (mpz_t, Cdouble), a, b))

mpn_cmp(a::Ptr{Limb}, b::Ptr{Limb}, c) = ccall((:__gmpn_cmp, :libgmp), Cint, (Ptr{Limb}, Ptr{Limb}, Clong), a, b, c)
mpn_cmp(a::BigInt, b::BigInt, c) = mpn_cmp(a.d, b.d, c)

get_str!(x, a, b::BigInt) = (ccall((:__gmpz_get_str,:libgmp), Ptr{Cchar}, (Ptr{Cchar}, Cint, mpz_t), x, a, &b); x)
set_str!(x::BigInt, a, b) = Int(ccall((:__gmpz_set_str, :libgmp), Cint, (mpz_t, Ptr{UInt8}, Cint), &x, a, b))
get_d(a::BigInt) = ccall((:__gmpz_get_d, :libgmp), Cdouble, (mpz_t,), &a)
get_str!(x, a, b::BigInt) = (ccall((:__gmpz_get_str,:libgmp), Ptr{Cchar}, (Ptr{Cchar}, Cint, mpz_t), x, a, b); x)
set_str!(x::BigInt, a, b) = Int(ccall((:__gmpz_set_str, :libgmp), Cint, (mpz_t, Ptr{UInt8}, Cint), x, a, b))
get_d(a::BigInt) = ccall((:__gmpz_get_d, :libgmp), Cdouble, (mpz_t,), a)

limbs_write!(x::BigInt, a) = ccall((:__gmpz_limbs_write, :libgmp), Ptr{Limb}, (mpz_t, Clong), &x, a)
limbs_finish!(x::BigInt, a) = ccall((:__gmpz_limbs_finish, :libgmp), Void, (mpz_t, Clong), &x, a)
import!(x::BigInt, a, b, c, d, e, f) =
ccall((:__gmpz_import, :libgmp), Void, (mpz_t, Csize_t, Cint, Csize_t, Cint, Csize_t, Ptr{Void}),
&x, a, b, c, d, e, f)
limbs_write!(x::BigInt, a) = ccall((:__gmpz_limbs_write, :libgmp), Ptr{Limb}, (mpz_t, Clong), x, a)
limbs_finish!(x::BigInt, a) = ccall((:__gmpz_limbs_finish, :libgmp), Void, (mpz_t, Clong), x, a)
import!(x::BigInt, a, b, c, d, e, f) = ccall((:__gmpz_import, :libgmp), Void,
(mpz_t, Csize_t, Cint, Csize_t, Cint, Csize_t, Ptr{Void}), x, a, b, c, d, e, f)

end # module MPZ

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