JuliaSeismo aims to be a GitHub organization for Julia packages in various seismological applications. One of our goals is to deliver robust packages developed by single authors into community-maintained packages. A second goal is to provide a unified ecosystem within which Julia packages will be interoperable. A code package stems from SeisIO, which we converted to SeisBase.jl in order to allow the community to maintain the package when issues arise.
To date (11/15/2023), the packages are used for large-scale seismic processing in ambient seismic field studies (SeisNoise).
We hope the JuliaSeismo organization and community will grow as big data needs arise in seismological research.
Some of the packages maintained by the organization are published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Jones JP, Okubo K, Clements T, Denolle MA. SeisIO: A fast, efficient geophysical data architecture for the Julia language. Seismological research letters. 2020 Jul 1;91(4):2368-77. https://doi.org/10.1785/0220190295
Clements T, Denolle MA. SeisNoise.jl: Ambient seismic noise cross correlation on the CPU and GPU in Julia. Seismological research letters. 2021 Jan 1;92(1):517-27. https://doi.org/10.1785/0220200192