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Merge pull request #291 from JuliaTime/cv/transition-range-refactor
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Refactor `transition_range` and callers
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omus authored Sep 23, 2020
2 parents 60ab3e9 + e07eb66 commit 42bc067
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Showing 8 changed files with 225 additions and 120 deletions.
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/TimeZones.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ export TimeZone, @tz_str, istimezone, FixedTimeZone, VariableTimeZone, ZonedDate
const PKG_DIR = normpath(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), ".."))
const DEPS_DIR = joinpath(PKG_DIR, "deps")

# TimeZone types used to disambiguate the context of a DateTime
# abstract type UTC <: TimeZone end # Already defined in the Dates stdlib
abstract type Local <: TimeZone end

function __init__()
# Base extension needs to happen everytime the module is loaded (issue #24)
Expand All @@ -45,8 +49,10 @@ function __init__()
global ISOZonedDateTimeFormat = DateFormat("yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.ssszzz")


include(joinpath("types", "timezone.jl"))
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14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions src/indexable_generator.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
struct IndexableGenerator{I,F}

IndexableGenerator(args...) = IndexableGenerator(Base.Generator(args...))
Base.iterate(ig::IndexableGenerator, s...) = iterate(ig.g, s...)

Base.length(ig::IndexableGenerator) = length(ig.g)
Base.size(ig::IndexableGenerator) = size(ig.g)
Base.axes(ig::IndexableGenerator) = axes(ig.g)
Base.ndims(ig::IndexableGenerator) = ndims(ig.g)

Base.getindex(ig::IndexableGenerator, i::Integer) = ig.g.f(ig.g.iter[i])
Base.lastindex(ig::IndexableGenerator) = lastindex(ig.g.iter)
164 changes: 67 additions & 97 deletions src/interpret.jl
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@@ -1,30 +1,46 @@
using TimeZones.TZData: MIN_OFFSET, MAX_OFFSET
# Compare a local instant to a UTC transition instant by using the offset to make them both
# into local time. We could just as easily convert both of them into UTC time.
lt_local(local_dt::DateTime, t::Transition) = isless(local_dt, t.utc_datetime +
lt_local(t::Transition, local_dt::DateTime) = isless(t.utc_datetime +, local_dt)

# TimeZone concepts used to disambiguate context of DateTimes
# abstract type UTC <: TimeZone end # Defined in Dates
abstract type Local <: TimeZone end
lt_utc(utc_dt::DateTime, t::Transition) = isless(utc_dt, t.utc_datetime)
lt_utc(t::Transition, utc_dt::DateTime) = isless(t.utc_datetime, utc_dt)

function transition_range(local_dt::DateTime, tz::VariableTimeZone, ::Type{Local})
transitions = tz.transitions

# Determine the earliest and latest possible UTC DateTime
# that this local DateTime could be.
# TODO: Alternatively we should only look at the range of offsets available within
# this TimeZone.
earliest = local_dt + MIN_OFFSET
latest = local_dt + MAX_OFFSET

# Determine the earliest transition the local DateTime could
# occur within.
start = searchsortedlast(
transitions, earliest,
by=el -> isa(el, Transition) ? el.utc_datetime : el,
start = max(start, 1)
finish = length(transitions)
for i in start:finish
if transitions[i].utc_datetime > latest
finish = i - 1
# To understand the logic in this function some background on transitions is needed:
# A transition (`t[i]`) is applicable to a given UTC instant that occurs on or after the
# transition start (`t[i].utc_datetime`). The transition (`t[i]`) ends at the start of
# the next transition in the list (`t[i + 1].utc_datetime`).
# Any UTC instant that occurs prior to the first transition (`t[1].utc_datetime`) has no
# associated transitions. Any UTC instant that occurs on or after the last transition
# (`t[end].utc_datetime`) is associated, at a minimum, with the last transition.

# Determine the latest transition that applies to `local_dt`. If the `local_dt`
# preceeds all transitions `finish` will be zero and produce the empty range `1:0`.
finish = searchsortedlast(tz.transitions, local_dt, lt=lt_local)

# Usually we'll begin by having `start` be larger than `finish` to create an empty
# range by default. In the scenario where last transition applies to the `local_dt` we
# can avoid a bounds by setting `start = finish`.
len = length(tz.transitions)
start = finish < len ? finish + 1 : len

# To determine the first transition that applies to the `local_dt` we will work
# backwards. Typically, this loop will only use single iteration as multiple iterations
# only occur when local times are ambiguous.
@inbounds for i in (start - 1):-1:1
# Compute the end of the transition in local time. Note that this instant is not
# included in the implicitly defined transition interval (known as right-open in
# interval parlance).
transition_end = tz.transitions[i + 1].utc_datetime + tz.transitions[i].zone.offset

# If the end of the transition occurs after the `local_dt` then this transition
# applies to the `local_dt`.
if transition_end > local_dt
start = i
Expand All @@ -33,12 +49,9 @@ function transition_range(local_dt::DateTime, tz::VariableTimeZone, ::Type{Local

function transition_range(utc_dt::DateTime, tz::VariableTimeZone, ::Type{UTC})
index = searchsortedlast(
tz.transitions, utc_dt,
by=el -> isa(el, Transition) ? el.utc_datetime : el,
index = max(index, 1)
return index:index
finish = searchsortedlast(tz.transitions, utc_dt, lt=lt_utc)
start = max(finish, 1)
return start:finish

Expand All @@ -51,26 +64,20 @@ that UTC context will always return a range of length one.
transition_range(::DateTime, ::VariableTimeZone, ::Type{Union{Local,UTC}})

function interpret(local_dt::DateTime, tz::VariableTimeZone, ::Type{Local})
interpretations = ZonedDateTime[]
t = tz.transitions
n = length(t)
for i in transition_range(local_dt, tz, Local)
# Convert the local DateTime into UTC
utc_dt = local_dt - t[i].zone.offset

if utc_dt >= t[i].utc_datetime && (i == n || utc_dt < t[i + 1].utc_datetime)
push!(interpretations, ZonedDateTime(utc_dt, tz, t[i].zone))
r = transition_range(local_dt, tz, Local)

return interpretations
possible = (ZonedDateTime(local_dt - t[i].zone.offset, tz, t[i].zone) for i in r)
return IndexableGenerator(possible)

function interpret(utc_dt::DateTime, tz::VariableTimeZone, ::Type{UTC})
range = transition_range(utc_dt, tz, UTC)
length(range) == 1 || error("Internal TimeZones error: A UTC DateTime should only have a single interpretation")
i = first(range)
return [ZonedDateTime(utc_dt, tz, tz.transitions[i].zone)]
t = tz.transitions
r = transition_range(utc_dt, tz, UTC)
length(r) == 1 || error("Internal TimeZones error: A UTC DateTime should only have a single interpretation")

possible = (ZonedDateTime(utc_dt, tz, t[i].zone) for i in r)
return IndexableGenerator(possible)

Expand All @@ -83,66 +90,29 @@ context typically return 0-2 results while the UTC context will always return 1
interpret(::DateTime, ::VariableTimeZone, ::Type{Union{Local,UTC}})

shift_gap(local_dt::DateTime, tz::VariableTimeZone) -> Array{ZonedDateTime}
shift_gap(local_dt::DateTime, tz::VariableTimeZone) -> Tuple
Given a non-existent local `DateTime` in a `TimeZone` produces two valid `ZonedDateTime`s
that span the gap. Providing a valid local `DateTime` returns an empty array. Note that this
function does not support passing in a UTC `DateTime` since there are no non-existent UTC
Given a non-existent local `DateTime` in a `TimeZone` produces a tuple containing two valid
`ZonedDateTime`s that span the gap. Providing a valid local `DateTime` returns an empty
tuple. Note that this function does not support passing in a UTC `DateTime` since there are
no non-existent UTC `DateTime`s.
Aside: the function name refers to a period of invalid local time (gap) caused by daylight
saving time or offset changes (shift).
function shift_gap(local_dt::DateTime, tz::VariableTimeZone)
boundaries = ZonedDateTime[]
t = tz.transitions
n = length(t)
delta = eps(local_dt)
for i in transition_range(local_dt, tz, Local)
# Convert the local DateTime into UTC
utc_dt = local_dt - t[i].zone.offset

# Essentially: t[i].utc_datetime <= utc_dt < t[i + 1].utc_datetime
starts_after = utc_dt >= t[i].utc_datetime
ends_before = i == n || utc_dt < t[i + 1].utc_datetime

# No boundaries should be produced when the given UTC DateTime exists
if starts_after && ends_before

# UTC DateTime proceeds the end of the transition range
elseif !ends_before
push!(boundaries, ZonedDateTime(t[i + 1].utc_datetime - delta, tz, t[i].zone))

# UTC DateTime preceeds the start of the transition range
elseif !starts_after
push!(boundaries, ZonedDateTime(t[i].utc_datetime, tz, t[i].zone))

# A slower but much easier to understand version of the above code:
# if starts_after && ends_before
# empty!(boundaries)
# break
# elseif !starts_after
# push!(
# boundaries,
# ZonedDateTime(t[i].utc_datetime - eps(t[i].utc_datetime), tz, from_utc=true),
# ZonedDateTime(t[i].utc_datetime, tz, from_utc=true),
# )
# end

# In time zones with hidden transitions we could end up with more than two "bounds".
# Note this is more of a theoretical issue and would probably only ever occur with hand-
# crafted VariableTimeZones.
if length(boundaries) > 2
boundaries = [first(boundaries), last(boundaries)]
r = transition_range(local_dt, tz, Local)
boundaries = if isempty(r) && last(r) > 0
t = tz.transitions
i, j = last(r), first(r) # Empty range has the indices we want but backwards
ZonedDateTime(t[i + 1].utc_datetime - eps(local_dt), tz, t[i].zone),
ZonedDateTime(t[j].utc_datetime, tz, t[j].zone),

# Although we are using an array the only valid output from this function should be an
# empty array or a 2-element array.
return boundaries

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/types/variabletimezone.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ struct Transition

Base.isless(x::Transition,y::Transition) = isless(x.utc_datetime,y.utc_datetime)
Base.isless(a::Transition, b::Transition) = isless(a.utc_datetime, b.utc_datetime)

Expand Down
23 changes: 14 additions & 9 deletions src/types/zoneddatetime.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,16 +33,21 @@ converted to the specified `TimeZone`. Note that when `from_utc` is true the gi
`DateTime` will always exists and is never ambiguous.
function ZonedDateTime(dt::DateTime, tz::VariableTimeZone; from_utc::Bool=false)
possible = interpret(dt, tz, from_utc ? UTC : Local)

num = length(possible)
if num == 1
return first(possible)
elseif num == 0
throw(NonExistentTimeError(dt, tz))
throw(AmbiguousTimeError(dt, tz))
# Note: Using a function barrier which reduces allocations
function construct(T::Type{<:Union{Local,UTC}})
possible = interpret(dt, tz, T)

num = length(possible)
if num == 1
return first(possible)
elseif num == 0
throw(NonExistentTimeError(dt, tz))
throw(AmbiguousTimeError(dt, tz))

return construct(from_utc ? UTC : Local)

function ZonedDateTime(dt::DateTime, tz::FixedTimeZone; from_utc::Bool=false)
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23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions test/indexable_generator.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
@testset "IndexableGenerator" begin
@testset "basic" begin
generator = TimeZones.IndexableGenerator(Char(i) for i in (1:26) .+ 96)

@test length(generator) == 26
@test size(generator) == (26,)
@test axes(generator) == (Base.OneTo(26),)
@test ndims(generator) == 1

@test generator[26] == 'z'
@test lastindex(generator) == 26

@test collect(generator) == 'a':'z'

@testset "constructors" begin
generator = TimeZones.IndexableGenerator(i -> Char(i), (1:26) .+ 96)
@test collect(generator) == 'a':'z'

generator = TimeZones.IndexableGenerator(Char, (1:26) .+ 96)
@test collect(generator) == 'a':'z'

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