A basic task list to remind you of what you need to do simply by browsing to http://localhost:8080/Tasks in your web browser.
This built RESTFUL Web Service is implemented using Maven dependencies, Spring Webflux, and a WebClient consumer of that service. The Spring-boot server continuously makes GET calls for responsive updates from a single text file, called test.txt. Any changes detected will then be served into the Application WebClient hosted at localhost:8080.
If you think reading from a text file, pull so that you can view your reminders in your browser without any distractions.
In order for this to run, you need Maven and Java SDK installed.
- Pull from repo and run java -version and mvn -version to ensure both are installed correctly. If not, install both @https://maven.apache.org/install.html and @https://www.java.com/en/download/help/download_options.xml
- Once you have all dependecies and you have Java nad Maven installed, navigate to TaskList.txt and modify it however you would like. Add any reminders for fun.
- In order to view your Task List, open up the directory in your Terminal and run "mvn compile" to compile the Java code and dependencies.
- After compiling, run "mvn spring-boot:run" and view http://localhost:8080/Tasks on any browser.