"Pig" is a very simple game. Two players take turns; on each turn, a player rolls a six-sided die ("die" is the singular of "dice") as many times as she wishes, or until she rolls a 1. Each number she rolls, except a 1, is added to her score this turn; but if she rolls a 1, her score for this turn is zero, and her turn ends. At the end of each turn, the score for that turn is added to the player's total score. The first player to reach or exceed 100 wins.
At the start of the game the user get to decide to play one player against the computer or two players. In the one player style the difficulity level can be decided by the player, but this can not be done in two player mode. There are two difficulity levels: Easy and Hard. Cheat option exists in one player mode and in both difficulity levels, it allows your score to get additional 20 points.
These are the steps to get going with the game.
For windows
make version
For Mac and Linux
export PYTHON=python3
make version
Install a Python virtual environment.
# Create the virtual environment
make venv
For windows
. .venv/Scripts/activate
For Linx/Mac
. .venv/bin/activate
Use the command deactivate
Install pip and stores dependencies in requirements.txt
make install
To check the installation
make installed
The game can be started by the following:
python game_classes/main.py
make flake8
make pylint
To run all
make lint
You can run the unittests like this:
make unittest
Run unittest with coverage
make coverage