Template For Summer Hacks Project Submission Project name:- Portfolio360
Contents:- 1. Personal Details 2.Education 3.Skills 4.Acheivements 5.Certificates Obtained 6.Gadgets using 7.Little bit information of my research.
About:- I am a tech-enthusiast and also a passionate programmer. I spend almost 4 hours a day on doing stuffs related to coding, like learning new Languages, getting info about new tech and researching about ways to make possible heavier tasks on low end hardware. Also I have a 2 star rating on Codechef which I hope to increase in near future.
Inspirations:- 1.W3 schools 2.Github Pages
Languages learnt:- 1.Html advanced 2.Css advanced
Tools used:- 1.Slideshow 2.Intricate Designs
Challenges:- 1. Built this project entirely on my mobile phone, so got a little bit slow. 2. Dealt with serious backlog due to illness.
Accomplishment:- As mentioned earlier I built this project on my mobile phone only , so I am proud of having done a work on a much under-performimg device than everyone else was using and also finishing it on time.
Future Improvements:- Will be looking to add some styling and animations to the page and make it more decorative.
Team:- Jyotiraditya Kuanar(which is me ofcourse)
Github Page:- https://jyo561.github.io/summerhacks-Portfolio360/