🔭 I’m currently working on Talkato
🌱 I’m currently learning Machine learning, Deep learning and Artificial intelligence
Forked from roboclub-mnnit/Autonomous_traffic_analysis_system-2022-23-Project
This is an Autonomous traffic analysis system project which is aimed to help civil engineers in deriving required parameters for road upgradation and road maintenance and many more other applications
This is a simple website build using MERN stack
JavaScript 2
Forked from roboclub-mnnit/Ball_following_bot-2022-23-Project
This is a hardware based project mentored by me which uses OpenCV and Arduino under the robotics club of MNNIT in order to provide hands on experience for juniors in fields of robotics
Problem statement: In order to save the earth from the aliens attack we have to know their plans successfully we got the audio of the aliens now we are decoding it to know their plan and attack the…
Jupyter Notebook 3