"Counterfactual Reasoning for Bias Evaluation and Detection in a Fairness under Unawareness setting``
Giandomenico Cornacchia, Vito Walter Anelli, Fedelucio Narducci, Azzurra Ragone, Eugenio Di Sciascio
Following, the instruction to install the correct packages for running the experiments. run:
#(Python version used during experiments 3.8.10)
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
To train, evaluate models, and generate counterfactual samples for each dataset and Classifier, run:
#sudo chmod +x run_all_generation.sh + User_password if Permission Denied
or chose one of the config file for a specific dataset, and run:
python3 -u mainGenerate.py {config/{dataset}/config-{dataset}-{sf}}.yml
Result can be found in the folder Results/{dataset}/{model}/{SF}/{Genetic/KDtree}.pickle
N.B.: Experiments can take several days for each dataset and model. To speed up inference in the Model_Y and Counterfactual Generator loop for some scikit-learn models (e.g. SVM), the "skearnex" library from intel was used. The metrics' results may vary slightly from the scikit-learn models.
To evaluate the proposed metric for each dataset, simply run the following command:
python3 -u mainEvaluate.py
or chose one of the dataset, relative sensitive feature, CF strategy, and Sensitive Feature classifier to investigate:
#template example
python3 -u mainEvaluate.py {dataset} {SF} {CFstrategy} {SFclf}
python3 -u mainEvaluate.py Crime race genetic XGB
The script will save (and show in IDE) Counterfactual Flip metric in Figure 2 into folder 'figure/', also for other sensitive information, and display in console Table 2, Table 3, and Table 10.
To detect most important feature for a switch in the sensitive information, just run:
#template example
python3 -u proxyFeatureDetection.py {dataset} {SF} {clf} {CFstrategy} {SFclf}
#full Figure 4 (i.e., Figure 5)
python3 -u proxyFeatureDetection.py Adult-debiased gender MLP genetic MLP
For example the second script will save into folder 'figure/' (and show in IDE) the proxy features plot in Figure 4 and 5, as follow.
To display some statistics of the various generation strategy, just run:
#template example
python3 -u StatisticsCF.py {dataset} {SF} {clf} {CFstrategy}
#real example
python3 -u StatisticsCF.py Adult-debiased gender LR MACE