The script contains preparation and description of the experiment. The following file contains some details about the idea behind the experiments
- All scripts are using Python 2.7.
- ROS is used as framework for the experiment with the robot.
- Jupyter-Notebook is used for preparation and example code.
- the folder
contains python modules used by Jupyter Notebooks - Clear Output before saving to avoid committing output to git
- All documents used for experiments are written in Jupyter Notebooks to have one export script for all
The script is written as Jupyter Nodebook.
# install jupyter notebook
sudo apt-get -y install ipython ipython-notebook
sudo -H pip install jupyter
sudo -H pip install bresenham
The script can be opened using the script
. The script makes sure that the outputs are cleared after
saving and the git history is clean. (Not yet implemented) Please clear outputs before saving to ensure a clean git history.
Some of the scripts inside the notebook import modules defined at rvmrt_slam_lecture_notes/lecture_modules/.
Build docker image:
sudo docker build -t rvmrt_lecture_notes .
Run docker container:
sudo docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -v "$PWD:/home/jovyan/work/" rvmrt_lecture_notes
Open notebook in brower:
When running the docker container, there is console output like the following
Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
to login with a token:
http://(e5baf43b57e4 or
use as ip address.
- Maximale Zeilenlänge von 80 Zeichen in Code-Blöcken
- Bilder
- Bilder als png. svg funktioniert (aktuell) nicht im Export, pdf nicht im eigentlichen Dokument
- Leerzeile nach Bild, sofern dieses nicht in Text integriert werden soll
- Keine dokumentweite Hauptüberschrift, Kapitel mit höchstwertiger Überschrift beginnen (
# Kapitelüberschrift
- Set
%matplotlib inline
in first block.
jupyter nbconvert --execute Preparation.ipynb --to pdf --template rvmrt_template.tplx
or when using Docker:
sudo docker run -it -rm -v "$PWD:/home/jovyan/work/" -e RVMRT_EXPORT='True' rvmrt_lecture_notes jupyter nbconvert --execute /home/jovyan/work/Preparation.ipynb --to pdf --template /home/jovyan/work/rvmrt_template.tplx
LaTeX-Template: rvmrt_template.tplx, Jupyter uses pandoc and jinja2 for generating LaTeX-Code
Tutorial for customizing export:
Tutorial for adding citations and export to print version: