Ground Truth System - A tool for visually tracking a moving target on a calibrated ground plane and recording position and angle in 2-dimensions.
Additional functionality is included to facilitate the generation of IEC specific results.
CMake (
sudo apt-get install cmake
Qt (4.8.1)
sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev qt4-dev-tools
Unicap (0.9.12)
sudo apt-get install libunicap2-dev
Compiling OpenCV on Linux (2.4.6)
git clone
git checkout 2.4.6
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/opencv/install ..
cmake --build . --target install
Unicap (0.9.12)
sudo apt-get install libunicap2-dev
OpenCV (2.4.6)
cd C:\
git clone
git checkout 2.4.6
cd opencv
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -G"MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:\opencv\install" ..
cmake --build . --target install
MinGW Only
MinGW (4.4)
Qt MinGW Libraries (4.8.3)
MSYS (1.0.11)
Visual Studio Only
Linux From root directory:
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake [options] ../
e.g. cmake -DOpenCV_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/opencv/install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DGTS_TESTS=ON ../
$ cmake --build . --target install
Windows (MinGW)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake.exe -G"MinGW Makefiles" -DOpenCV_ROOT_DIR="C:\opencv\install" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:\GTS" ..
cmake --build . --target install
Alternatively, call scripts/minGW_app.bat from root directory.
Windows (VS2010)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake.exe -G"NMake Makefiles" -DOpenCV_ROOT_DIR=C:\PATH-TO-OPENCV-INSTALL ..
cmake --build . --target install
Alternatively, call scripts/vs2010_app.bat from root directory.
CMake Options
- Path to OpenCV libraries and includes (REQUIRED on Windows, looks in standard places on Linux)GTS_TESTS
- Build Google Test Unit Tests (default=OFF).GTS_HELP
- Build GTS Help Assistant (default=ON).CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
- Location formake install
to place binary and help files.
##Windows Installer
To redistribute this application on Windows, an installer is available. You will first need to download the 2 additional files (Xvid and Microsoft VS2010 Redist package as linked in the DOWNLOADS file.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake.exe -G"MinGW Makefiles" -DOpenCV_ROOT_DIR=C:\PATH-TO-OPENCV-INSTALL ..
mingw32-make package
Alternatively, call scripts/minGW_installer.bat from root directory.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake.exe -G"NMake Makefiles" -DOpenCV_ROOT_DIR=C:\PATH-TO-OPENCV-INSTALL ..
nmake package
Alternatively, call scripts/vs2010_installer.bat from root directory.
GTS uses the Google Test Framework for unit testing. A few tests have been included, but we hope to add to these over time and welcome any additions.
The Unicap library on Linux and DirectShow on Windows are used to enumerate cameras. OpenCV is used for recording and tracking of videos. Therefore cameras that are supported by these libraries should work on the GTS.
Bugs and feature requests should be added to the Issues section of this repository. If you have a fix for such, please see below to have it considered to be merged in.
For contributions to be considered we require that users first read and follow the steps in the CONTRIBUTING file.
In addition to the help tool that can be compiled alongside the app, the documentation can be found in the Wiki.
This application is distributed under the GPLv3 license found in the LICENSE file.
Attributions and licenses for third-party libraries can be found in the OPEN SOURCE LICENSES file.