The QRCode Generator, Micro QRCode Generator, QRCode Decoder, Micro QRCode Decoder application.
According to ISO/IEC 18004-2015 Standard
go get -u
Dependencies Package:
- imaging
go get -u
- image
mkdir $GOPATH/
git clone
- text
git clone
QRCode supports 4 character modes, and 40 versions with 4 Error correction levels.
Micro QRCode supports 4 character modes, and 4 versions with 4 Error correction levels.
4 Modes:
characters(10): 0 - 9maximum characters in Version 40-L: 7089 characters.
characters(45): 0 - 9, A - Z, SP, $, %, *, +, -, ., /, :maximum characters in Version 40-L: 4296 characters.
Alphanumeric mode is not available in Version M1 Micro QR Code Symbol
8-bit characters.maximum characters in Version 40-L: 2953 characters.
Byte mode is not available in Version M1 or M2 Micro QR Code Symbol.
Kanji characters in accordance with the Shift JIS system based on JIS X 0209. Only use for double-byte characters, Range are: \x8140-\x9FFC and \xE040-\xEBBF.maximum characters in Version 40-L: 2953 characters.
Kanji mode is not available in Version M1 Or M2 Micro QR Code Symbol.
4 Error correction level:
Four levels of Reed-Solomon error correction(referred to as L, M, Q and H in increasing order of capacity) allowing recover of:
- L 7%
- M 15%
- Q 25%
- H 30%
Micro QR Code is not support H level.
// create a numeric qrcode
data := "0123456"
qrcode, err := NewQRCode(data)
outFileName := "/opt/temp/numeric.png"
if err == nil{
// set color for qrcode
// out := output.NewOutput(&output.BaseOutput{Type: output.PNG, Size: 400, CodeColor: output.ColorfulCodeColor})
out := output.NewPNGOutput0()
// create a numeric micro qrcode
micQrcode, err := NewMicroQRCode(data)
outFileName2 := "/opt/temp/numeric_micro.png"
if err == nil{
out2 := output.NewPNGOutput0()
NewQRCode(content string) (*mode.QRCodeStruct,error)
Create a new QRCode(Model2) by input data.
There will be auto-detected the Version, Error Correction Level, and without Quiet Zone. -
NewQRCodeAutoQuiet(content string) (*mode.QRCodeStruct,error)
Create a new QRCode(Model2) by input data with auto-size Quiet Zone, default is 4x modules per side.
QRCode with color:
NewMicroQRCode(content string) (*mode.QRCodeStruct,error)
Create a new Micro QRCode by input data.
NewMicroQRCodeAutoQuiet(content string) (*mode.QRCodeStruct,error)
Create a new Micro QRCode by input data with auto-size Quiet Zone, default is 2x modules per side.
Create a new QRCode by input data with full parameters.
Parameter Type Values Comments content string numeric,alphanumeric,and other strings - format cons.Format cons.QRCODE,cons.QrcodeModel2,cons.MicroQrcode cons.QRCODE same with cons.QrcodeModel2 ec *mode.ErrorCorrection NewErrorCorrection(level) level in (cons.L,cons.M,cons.Q,cons.H) m mode.Mode NewNumericMode(),NewAlphanumericMode(),NewKanjiModeMode(), NewByteModeMode() - quietZone *model.QuietZone model.AutoQuietZone,model.NoneQuietZone,NewQuietZone(size int) -
out := output.NewPNGOutput0()
(qr *QRCodeStruct) Encode(out output.Output,fileName string) (err error)
Encode the QRCode/Micro QRCode to the specified file and output.
(qr *QRCodeStruct) EncodeToBase64(out output.Output) (base64Str string,err error)
Encode the QRCode/Micro QRCode to Base64 URL String(like data:image/png,base64,xxxx) and output.
Encode Params:
Parameter | Type | Values | Comments |
out | output.Output | NewPNGOutput(size int), NewPNGOutput0(), NewJPGOutput(size int), NewJPGOutput0(), NewGIFOutput(size int), NewGIFOutput0() | Newxxx0() output with auto-size for image. |
fileName | string | output file path | - |
output.ImageOutput implements output.Output interface to output PNG,JPG,GIF image.
out := output.NewPNGOutput(100)
out = output.NewPNGOutput0()
logoImageFilePath := "logo.png"
// add logo image into QRCode
Output Params:
Parameter | Type | Values | Comments |
size | int | the image size for output | - |
All QRCode test in qrcode_test.go and micro_qrcode_test.go files.
Type | Item | Done Time |
QRCode Model2 | Numeric Mode and test | 2021-05-30 22:47:57 |
Alphanumeric Mode | 2021-05-31 | |
Byte Mode | 2021-05-31 | |
Kanji Mode | 2021-06-01 | |
Mixed Mode | NOT-IMPLEMENT | |
Structured Append Mode | NOT-IMPLEMENT | |
QRCode Model1 | - | NOT-SUPPORT |
Micro QRCode | Micro QRCode | 2021-06-07 |
Personalized QRCode (add logo image at center of QRCode) |
- | 2021-06-02 |
Output | Image File (With Color) |
2021-05-30 (2022-09-17) |
Base64 String | 2021-06-01 | |
SVG | - | |
Decoder | QRCode | - |
Micro QRCode | - |
- Best size of QR code of each version. (1 point by 4 pixels!)
Version | None QuietZone | 1xQuietZone | 2xQuietZone | 4xQuietZone | maxCharacterLen(AlphaNumeric,L) |
1 | 84 | 92 | 100 | 116 | 25 |
2 | 100 | 108 | 116 | 132 | 47 |
3 | 116 | 124 | 132 | 148 | 77 |
4 | 132 | 140 | 148 | 164 | 114 |
5 | 148 | 156 | 164 | 180 | 154 |
6 | 164 | 172 | 180 | 196 | 195 |
7 | 180 | 188 | 196 | 212 | 224 |
8 | 196 | 204 | 212 | 228 | 279 |
9 | 212 | 220 | 228 | 244 | 335 |
10 | 228 | 236 | 244 | 260 | 395 |
11 | 244 | 252 | 260 | 276 | 468 |
12 | 260 | 268 | 276 | 292 | 535 |
13 | 276 | 284 | 292 | 308 | 619 |
14 | 292 | 300 | 308 | 324 | 667 |
15 | 308 | 316 | 324 | 340 | 758 |
16 | 324 | 332 | 340 | 356 | 854 |
17 | 340 | 348 | 356 | 372 | 938 |
18 | 356 | 364 | 372 | 388 | 1046 |
19 | 372 | 380 | 388 | 404 | 1153 |
20 | 388 | 396 | 404 | 420 | 1249 |
21 | 404 | 412 | 420 | 436 | 1352 |
22 | 420 | 428 | 436 | 452 | 1460 |
23 | 436 | 444 | 452 | 468 | 1588 |
24 | 452 | 460 | 468 | 484 | 1704 |
25 | 468 | 476 | 484 | 500 | 1853 |
26 | 484 | 492 | 500 | 516 | 1990 |
27 | 500 | 508 | 516 | 532 | 2132 |
28 | 516 | 524 | 532 | 548 | 2223 |
29 | 532 | 540 | 548 | 564 | 2369 |
30 | 548 | 556 | 564 | 580 | 2520 |
31 | 564 | 572 | 580 | 596 | 2677 |
32 | 580 | 588 | 596 | 612 | 2840 |
33 | 596 | 604 | 612 | 628 | 3009 |
34 | 612 | 620 | 628 | 644 | 3183 |
35 | 628 | 636 | 644 | 660 | 3351 |
36 | 644 | 652 | 660 | 676 | 3537 |
37 | 660 | 668 | 676 | 692 | 3729 |
38 | 676 | 684 | 692 | 708 | 3927 |
39 | 692 | 700 | 708 | 724 | 4087 |
40 | 708 | 716 | 724 | 740 | 4296 |
M1 | 44 | 52 | 60 | 76 | 5(Numeric) |
M2 | 52 | 60 | 68 | 84 | 6 |
M3 | 60 | 68 | 76 | 92 | 14 |
M4 | 68 | 76 | 84 | 100 | 21 |