A plugin designed to faciliate the storage of site, circuit and device specific documents within NetBox
Note: Netbox v3.2+ is required. This plugin will not work on an earlier release of Netbox.
A working installation of Netbox 3.2+ is required - see official documentation.
Activate your virtual env and install via pip:
$ source /opt/netbox/venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install netbox-documents
To ensure the Netbox Documents plugin is automatically re-installed during future upgrades, add the package to your local_requirements.txt
# echo netbox-documents >> local_requirements.txt
In the Netbox configuration.py
configuration file add or update the PLUGINS parameter, adding netbox_documents
(Optional) Add or update a PLUGINS_CONFIG parameter in configuration.py
to configure plugin settings. Options shown below are the configured defaults:
'netbox_documents': {
# Enable the management of site specific documents (True/False)
'enable_site_documents': True,
# Enable the management of circuit specific documents (True/False)
'enable_circuit_documents': True,
# Enable the management of device specific documents (True/False)
'enable_device_documents': True,
# Enable the global menu options (True/False)
'enable_navigation_menu': True,
# Location to inject the document widget in the site view (left/right)
'site_documents_location': 'left',
# Location to inject the document widget in the device view (left/right
'circuit_documents_location': 'left',
# Location to inject the document widget in the circuit view (left/right
'device_documents_location': 'left'
(Optional) Add or replace the built-in Document Type choices via Netbox's FIELD_CHOICES
configuration parameter:
'netbox_documents.DocTypeChoices.site+': (
('mydocument', 'My Custom Site Document Type', 'green'),
'netbox_documents.DocTypeChoices.device+': (
('mydocument', 'My Custom Device Document Type', 'green'),
'netbox_documents.DocTypeChoices.circuit+': (
('mydocument', 'My Custom Circuit Document Type', 'green'),
Apply database migrations with Netbox manage.py
(venv) $ python manage.py migrate
Restart the Netbox service to apply changes:
sudo systemctl restart netbox