This is a framework to simplify implementation webRTC protocol to web applications.
- You can install by npm
npm i sfrtc-web-framework
- Get the minify file from
Include the following line after your HTML file body:
<script src="node_modules/sfrtc-web-framework/sfRTC.min.js"></script>
To implement the framework you must do the following:
Before make sure the signaling channel is running, to more information go to
To make a video call, receive and send data, add the following structure in your HTML file:
<!--To login-->
<input type="text" id="username" placeholder="Username" aria-label="Username" aria-describedby="basic-addon1">
<button id="login">login</button>
<!--To show the local and remote video-->
<video id="my" autoplay></video>
<video id="yours" autoplay></video>
<!--To draw the video-->
<!--To make a video call you must enter an id or name-->
<input type="text" id="otherUsername" placeholder="Call to name" aria-label="Username to call" aria-describedby="basic-addon1">
<button id="call">call</button>
<!--Button to answer a call-->
<button id="answer">Answer</button>
<!--Button to hang up a call-->
<button id="hangUp">Hang up</button>
<!--To show the last message received by the data channel-->
<h5 id= "otherName"></h5>
<!--To send a message by the data channel-->
<input type="text" id="message" placeholder="Message" aria-label="Recipient's username" aria-describedby="button-addon2">
<button id="send">Send</button>
- In your JS file add the following code:
// Create a variable of type ClientWebRTC
// audioConstrains, a Boolean value to allow audio to be sent
// videoConstrains, a Boolean value to allow audio to be sent video
// dataChannelConstrains, a Boolean value to activate the data channel
// url, a string type value that contains the url of the signaling channel
var clientRTC = new ClientWebRTC(true, true, true, “your.signaling.url”);
//Create the following variables to link the elements of the HTML file
var yourVideo = document.querySelector('#yours'),
myVideo = document.querySelector('#my'),
usernameInput = document.querySelector('#username'),
otherusernameInput = document.querySelector('#otherUsername'),
loginButton = document.querySelector('#login'),
takeCaptureButton = document.querySelector('#takeCapture'),
callButton = document.querySelector('#call'),
answerButton = document.querySelector('#answer'),
hangUpButton = document.querySelector('#hangUp'),
messageInput = document.querySelector('#message'),
otherName = document.querySelector('#otherName'),
otherMessage= document.querySelector('#messageReceived'),
sendMessageButton = document.querySelector('#send'),
canvas = window.canvas = document.querySelector('canvas'),
otName = " ";
canvas.width = 480; // To set the width of the video
canvas.height = 360; // To set the height of the video
- Then add the listeners to the buttons.
*NOTE: In order to make calls it is always necessary to login first
// Login button
loginButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
// This method allows you to login in the signaling channel, receive the name or id of string type
// Call button
callButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
// This method allows you to call to other user, receive the name or id of string type;
// Answer button
answerButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
otherusernameInput.value = otName;
// This method allows you to answer
// Hang up button
hangUpButton.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
// This method allows you to hang up a call
// Button to send message
sendMessageButton.addEventListener('click',function (event) {
var message = messageInput.value;
// This method allow you to send message, receive a string type value
- Finally we added the following Callbacks
// This method return the local vídeo
clientRTC.onLocalStream = function(localStream){
myVideo.srcObject = localStream;
// This method returns true if it was able to connect to the signaling channel or false otherwise
clientRTC.onLogin = function (success) {
alert("onLogin: " + success);
// When a call is received, this method returns returns the id or name of the calling user.
clientRTC.onCall = function (name) {
otName = name;
alert("onCall: " + name);
// This method returns the received messages by the data channel.
clientRTC.onDataChannelMessage = function (message) {
otherName.textContent = otName;
otherMessage.textContent = message;
alert("onMessage: " + message);
// This method returns the video and audio remote
clientRTC.onRemoteStream = function (remoteStream) {
yourVideo.srcObject = remoteStream;
// This method returns a notification when the other user hang up.
clientRTC.onLeave = function (success) {
alert("onLeave: " + success);
This framework is licenced under MIT Licence.