PHP+Python scripts for building simple server with hillshade tiles. You can try result here.
- Download DEM data for requested region from SRTM site or other source, for example
- Convert DEM data to GeoTif format with GDAL tool
find /data/dem/ -type f -name *.hgt | \
while read file ; do \
gdal_translate -of GTiff "$file" "$file.tif" \
- Build GDAL virtual data set from multiple files
find /data/dem/ -type f -name *.hgt.tif > /data/dem/files.lst
gdalbuildvrt -input_file_list /data/dem/files.lst /data/dem/full.vrt
- Downscale data for low zoom (<= 7)
cd /data/dem
gdalwarp \
-of GTiff \
-dstnodata 0 \
-t_srs "EPSG:3857" \
-r "cubic" \
-multi \
-co "TILED=YES" \
-ts 65536 0 \
"files.vrt" \
gdalwarp \
-of GTiff \
-dstnodata 0 \
-t_srs "EPSG:3857" \
-r "cubic" \
-multi \
-co "TILED=YES" \
-ts 8192 0 \
"files.vrt" \
- it is required web server with PHP support (apache2 for example), memcached server with corresponding PHP module, python3 with gdal and Imaging (PIL) module...
- copy this repository to web server root dir, rename
and setup paths and other properties for your server - prepare script for cleanup tile cache and add it to system cron
- Leaflet - BSD-2-Clause (
- Leaflet HASH plugin - MIT (