Docbot Public
Docbot: AI Health Chatbot and Symptom Checker Docbot is an Android app (Built using flutter) to help the user keep track of their symptoms and an AI Chatbot to help the user by answering their heal…
3 UpdatedJul 21, 2021 -
Predicting-Breast-Cancer-using-Logistic-Regression-from-Scratch-in-python Public
Forked from akashsrikanth2310/Predicting-Breast-Cancer-using-Logistic-Regression-from-Scratch-in-pythonPredicting Breast Cancer using Logistic Regression from Scratch in python
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 7, 2020 -
Finger-Count-Using-OpenCV Public
Detect Hand and count number of fingers using Convex Hull algorithm in OpenCV lib in Python
Object recognition on cats vs dogs dataset using OpenCV and Keras
Image-Classifier Public
Build an image classifier with Keras and Convolutional Neural Networks for the Fashion MNIST dataset
COVID-19 Public
COVID - 19 Outbreak Prediction using Machine Learning
Text-Classification Public
Text classification using nltk and sklearn
Object-Recognition Public
Object recognition using cifar10 dataset
Credit-Card-Fraud-Detection Public
Credit Card Fraud Detection using machine learning
board-game-prediction Public
Predicting rating of a board games using machine learning
keyword-extraction Public
Keyword extraction from a sentence using multirake algorithm
bloodpressure Public
Forked from frideosapps/bloodpressureAn example of a medical app built with Flutter for the classification of the arterial blood pressure.
Dart BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedJan 28, 2019