This repository is created as part of education on Hexlet.
Command line utility for comparison two data files and getting differences between them. It supports next file formats:
- Supports next file formats: JSON, YAML.
- Can provide report in stylish, plain on json formats.
Clone repository:
git clone [email protected]:Kassy-8/frontend-project-lvl2.git
Install dependencies
npm ci
Install games as global package:
npm link
Usage: gendiff [options] <filepath1> <filepath2>
-v, --version output the version number
-f, --format <type> output format (default: "stylish")
-h, --help output usage information
You can use relative or absolute paths.
Example for JSON-files, output format - stylish (by default):
gendiff file1.json file2.json
common: {
+ follow: false
setting1: Value 1
- setting2: 200
- setting3: true
+ setting3: null
+ setting4: blah blah
+ setting5: {
key5: value5
Example for YAML-files, output format - plain:
gendiff -f plain file1.yml file2.yml
Property 'common.follow' was added with value: false
Property 'common.setting2' was removed
Property 'common.setting3' was updated. From true to null
Property 'common.setting4' was added with value: 'blah blah'
Property 'common.setting5' was added with value: [complex value]
Example for JSON-files, output format - JSON:
gendiff - f json file1.json file2.json
[{"key":"common","type":"unchanged","value":[{"key":"follow","type":"added","value":false},{"key":"setting1","type":"unchanged","value":"Value 1"},{"key":"setting2","type":"removed","value":200},{"key":"setting3","type":"update","valueBefore":true,"valueAfter":null},{"key":"setting4","type":"added","value":"blah blah"},{"key":"setting5","type":"added","value":{"key5":"value5"}} ...]