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Fixed function for a new dataset
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KateHyoung committed Mar 12, 2019
1 parent d22c63f commit 67ed5ee
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Showing 2 changed files with 79 additions and 61 deletions.
134 changes: 76 additions & 58 deletions R/AggFunctions.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,24 +2,24 @@
############ Aggregation functions ##############
############ by Jared Looper ##############
############ & edited by Kate Kim ##############
############ Feb. 2019 ##############
############ March. 2019 ##############

#' Creating a query block for country restraint
#' @description This function returns the list of countries a user specifies
#' @return A list of country query blocks
#' Creating a query element for country restraint
#' @description This function returns a list of countries a user specifies
#' @return A list of countries
#' @importFrom countrycode countrycode
#' @export
#' @param table_name A name of a data table a user specifies. Your input is NOT
#' case-sensitive.
#' @param table_name A name of a data table. Input strings are NOT case-sensitive.
#' @param country A list of countries. We recommend to use the \href{}{ISO ALPHA-3 Code} format, but
#' the full country name is also working in this function.\cr
#' e.g. either \code{list("USA","CAN")} or \code{list("United States", "Canada")} are working and not case-sensitive.
#' @examples \dontrun{# to have a query block of the United States and Canada as a country restraint
#' a full country name is also working in this function.\cr Several countries should be entered in the \code{list()} format.
#' e.g. either \code{list("USA","CAN")} or \code{list("United States", "Canada")} are working and it is case-insensitive.
#' @examples \dontrun{# to have a query of the United States and Canada as a country restraint
#' ctr <- returnCountries("phoenix_rt", list("USA","CAN"))}
returnCountries <- function(table_name =" ", country = list()) {

# convert the strings to an appropriate format given the database
table_name = tolower(table_name)

for(i in 1:length(country))
Expand All @@ -30,26 +30,35 @@ returnCountries <- function(table_name =" ", country = list()) {

if(ISO == TRUE) {
if(table_name == "icews")
if(table_name == "icews"){
for(i in 1:length(country))
country[[i]] = countrycode::countrycode(country[[i]],"iso3c", "")
else if(table_name =="terrier"){
for(i in 1:length(country))
country[[i]] = countrycode::countrycode(country[[i]],"iso3c", "iso2c")
else {
if(table_name != "icews")
if(table_name != "icews" & table_name != "terrier"){
for(i in 1:length(country))
country[[i]] = countrycode::countrycode(country[[i]],"", "iso3c")
else if(table_name != "icews" & table_name == "terrier"){
for(i in 1:length(country))
country[[i]] = countrycode::countrycode(country[[i]],"", "iso2c")
#set up the query
query <- list('<country_code>'= list('$in' = country))

#' Creating of a query block of a time range before applying the query to `sendQuery()`
#' @description This function returns the list of a time range a user specifies
#' Creating of a query element of a time period
#' @description This function returns a list of a time range
#' @return A list of dates for start and end of a time range
#' @export
#' @param table_name A name of a data table a user specifies. Your input is NOT
#' case-sensitive.
#' @param table_name A name of a data table. Input strings are NOT case-sensitive.
#' @param start The "YYYYMMDD" format of the first date of a data set
#' @param end The "YYYYMMDD" format of the last date of a data set
#' @examples \dontrun{# to create the time ragne between Nov. 2, 2017 and
Expand All @@ -58,25 +67,27 @@ returnCountries <- function(table_name =" ", country = list()) {
returnTimes <- function(table_name =" ", start = " ", end = " ") {

table_name = tolower(table_name)

if(table_name == "icews" || table_name== 'cline_phoenix_swb' || table_name=="cline_phoenix_nyt"|| table_name=='cline_phoenix_fbis') {

if(table_name == "icews" || table_name== "cline_phoenix_swb" || table_name=="cline_phoenix_nyt"||
table_name=="cline_phoenix_fbis") {
start = paste(substr(start,1,4),"-",substr(start,5,6),"-",substr(start,7,8),sep="")
end = paste(substr(end,1,4),"-",substr(end,5,6),"-",substr(end,7,8),sep="")

if(substr(table_name,1,5)=="cline") {
start = gsub("-", "/", start)
end = gsub("-", "/", end)


#' Building a list of the dayd query block as source and target actors respectively
#' @description This function returns a list of a query block of a source-target country dyad
#' @return A list of the queary block of source and target countries
#' Building a l dayd query element as source and target actors respectively
#' @description This function returns a list of a query element of a source-target country dyad
#' @return A list of a dyad queary element of source and target countries
#' @export
#' @importFrom countrycode countrycode
#' @param table_name A name of a data table a user specifies. Your input is NOT
#' case-sensitive.
#' @param table_name A name of a data table. Input strings are NOT case-sensitive.
#' @param source The name of a source country either an ISO code or a country name format
#' @param target The name of a target country either an ISO code or a country name format
#' @note Please use the consistent format for source and target countries such as `"USA", "CAN"`` or `"Uniated States", "Canada"`
Expand All @@ -99,7 +110,8 @@ returnDyad <- function(table_name, source, target) {
else {
if(table_name == "phoenix_rt"|| table_name== 'cline_phoenix_swb' || table_name=="cline_phoenix_nyt"|| table_name=='cline_phoenix_fbis') {
if(table_name == "phoenix_rt"|| table_name== 'cline_phoenix_swb' || table_name=="cline_phoenix_nyt"||
table_name=='cline_phoenix_fbis' || table_name == "terrier") {
source = countrycode::countrycode(source, "", "iso3c")
target = countrycode::countrycode(target,"", "iso3c")
Expand All @@ -108,31 +120,30 @@ returnDyad <- function(table_name, source, target) {

#' Creating the location query block with the longitudes and lattidues
#' @description This function returns a list of a query block of geo-locations
#' @return A list of geo-location query blocks
#' Creating a geo-location query element with longitudes and lattidues
#' @description This function returns a list of a query element of geo-locations
#' @return A list of geo-location query elements
#' @export
#' @param lat1 the minimum value of lattitude of a geo-location boundary
#' @param lat2 the maximum value of latitidue of a geo-location boundary
#' @param lon1 the minimum value of longitude of a geo-location boundary
#' @param lon2 the maximum value of longitude of a geo-location boundary
#' @examples \dontrun{# to build the location constraint with the ranges of latitudes the longitudes
#' @examples \dontrun{# to build a location constraint with the ranges of latitudes the longitudes
#' geo <- returnLatLon(-10,30,40,70)}
returnLatLon <- function(lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2) {

#' Building a query block, which indicates a certain pattern of the variables in a particular data table
#' @description This function creates a query block to indicate the certain pattern of a variable
#' @return A list of the query block of a certain pattern of a particular variable in a data table
#' Building a query element, which indicates a certain pattern of variables in a particular data table
#' @description This function creates a query element to indicate a certain pattern of a variable
#' @return A list of the query element of a certain pattern of a particular variable in a data table
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @export
#' @param api_key An API key provided by a UTD server manager
#' @param table_name A name of a data table a user specifies. Your input is NOT
#' case-sensitive.
#' @param table_name A name of a data table. Input strings are NOT case-sensitive.
#' @param pattern A pattern or a feature of a specified variable
#' @param field A field (variable) of a data table
#' @note Please use this function only with the field that is not used in the other query block function.
#' @note Please use this function only with the field that is not used in the other query element function.
#' For instance; if you subset the data with a certain country, use the function, `returnCountries()`.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # to get all source actors related to governments in ICEWS
Expand All @@ -141,20 +152,20 @@ returnLatLon <- function(lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2) {
#' nytQuery <- returnRegExp(api_key, 'cline_phoenix_nyt', '2001', 'year')
#' myNYTdata <- sendQuery(api_key, 'cline_phoenix_nyt', nytQuery, citation = F)}
returnRegExp <- function(api_key = "", table_name = "", pattern = "", field = "") {
f = paste(" ",field,sep='')
f = paste(" ",field, sep='')
if(is.element(f, tableVar(api_key, table_name))) {
query = list('field'= list('$regex' = pattern))
else {print("Please check the field and the pattern with tableVar()")}

#' Obtaining an OR query to use two and more query blocks
#' @description This function retuns the list of combination two or more query blocks.
#' @return A list of several query blocks corresponding to a particular data table
#' Obtaining an OR query to use two and more query elements
#' @description This function retuns a list of combination two or more query elements.
#' @return A list of several query elements corresponding to a particular data table
#' @export
#' @param query_prep A list of query blocks that should be entered in the \code{list()} format
#' @note Please make sure that specifying the same data table in all query block functions to avoid errors \cr
#' @param query_prep A list of query elements that should be entered in the \code{list()} format
#' @note Please make sure that specifying the same data table in all query element functions to avoid errors \cr
#' This query may build a large data set that could cause the data size issue in a Windows machine.
#' @examples \dontrun{# to subset real-time data with the constraint of a time range and a dyad
#' t <- returnTimes("phoenix_rt", "20171015", "20171215")
Expand All @@ -165,12 +176,12 @@ orList <- function(query_prep = list()) {

#' Obtaining an AND query syntax to use two and more query blocks
#' @description This function retuns the list of comination two or more query blocks.
#' @return A list of several query blocks corresponding to a particular data table
#' Obtaining an AND query syntax to use two and more query elements
#' @description This function retuns a list of comination two or more query elements.
#' @return A list of several query elements corresponding to a particular data table
#' @export
#' @param query_prep A list of query blocks that should be entered in the \code{list()} format
#' @note Please make sure that specifying the same data table in all query block functions to avoid errors
#' @param query_prep A list of query elements that should be entered in the \code{list()} format
#' @note Please make sure that specifying the same data table in all query element functions to avoid errors
#' @examples \dontrun{# to subset real-time data with the constraint of a time range and a dyad
#' t <- returnTimes("phoenix_rt", "20171015", "20171215")
#' dyad <- returnDyad('Phoexnix_rt', 'RUS', 'SYR')
Expand All @@ -180,8 +191,8 @@ andList <- function(query_prep = list()) {

#' Sending queries to the API server in order to retrieve the data set
#' @description This function retruns the data and the package citation a user requests
#' Sending queries to the UTD API server in order to download data with a built query
#' @description This function retruns the data and a package citation
#' @return A list with components
#' \itemize{
#' \item{}{\code{$data } a data frame of requested data. An attribute of the data can be formatted as data.frame. Please check the features of data if it's necessary}
Expand All @@ -192,13 +203,13 @@ andList <- function(query_prep = list()) {
#' @importFrom curl curl
#' @export
#' @param api_key An API key provided by a server manager at UTD
#' @param table_name A name of a data table a user specifies. Your input is NOT case-sensitive.
#' @param query A list of query blocks or a single query block a user builds with the other query functions.
#' @note If an error message is returned, please increase the memory size your R is allocated. This error is more
#' @param table_name A name of a data table. Input strings are NOT case-sensitive.
#' @param query A list of query elements or a single query element a user builds with other query functions.
#' @note If an error message is returned, please increase the memory size of R. This error is more
#' frequently occurred in a Windows machine.
#' @param citation The option for printing a package citation at the end of data retrival. The default of option is TRUE.
#' @param citation logical; If \code{TRUE}, then a package citation will be printed at the end of data retrival.
#' @examples \dontrun{ # to store the ICEWS subset in the vector of myData without the citation
#' myData <- sendQuery(api_key,"icews", query_block, citation = FALSE)}
#' myData <- sendQuery(api_key,"icews", query_element, citation = FALSE)}
sendQuery <- function(api_key = "", table_name = "", query = list(), citation = TRUE){
if(is.null(query)) {
print("The query is empty.")
Expand All @@ -218,6 +229,9 @@ sendQuery <- function(api_key = "", table_name = "", query = list(), citation =
else if(table_name == "icews") {
query_string = relabel(query_string, "icews")
else if(table_name == "terrier"){
query_string = relabel(query_string, "terrier")
url_submit = paste(url_submit,url, api_key,'&query=', query_string, sep='','&datasource=',table_name)
url_submit = gsub('"',"%22",url_submit, fixed=TRUE)
url_submit = gsub(' ',"%20",url_submit, fixed=TRUE)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,17 +259,17 @@ sendQuery <- function(api_key = "", table_name = "", query = list(), citation =

#' Estimating a size of data queries that will be requested to the UTD API server
#' Estimating a size of data queries that will be requested to the UTD API server
#' @description This function retruns a data size in a string format
#' @return A text of the data size in bytes
#' @importFrom rjson toJSON
#' @importFrom curl curl
#' @export
#' @param api_key An API key provided by a server manager at UTD
#' @param table_name A name of a data table a user specifies. Your input is NOT case-sensitive.
#' @param query A list of query blocks a user builds with other query block functions.
#' @param table_name A name of a data table. Input strings are NOT case-sensitive.
#' @param query A list of query elements a user builds with other query element functions.
#' Please type in "entire" to find the total size of a data table.
#' @examples \dontrun{ # to measure the size of the query blocks builded with the other functions
#' @examples \dontrun{ # to measure the size of the query elements builded with the other functions
#' getQuerySize(api_key = "", table_name = "Phoenix_rt", query = list(q1, q2))
#' # to get the size of the entire Real-time Phoenix data
#' getQuerySize(api_key = , table_name = "Phoenix_rt", query = "entire")}
Expand All @@ -282,6 +296,9 @@ getQuerySize <- function(api_key = "", table_name = "", query = list()) {
else if(table_name == "icews") {
query_string = relabel(query_string, "icews")
else if(table_name == "terrier"){
query_string = relabel(query_string, "terrier")

url_submit = paste(url_submit,url, api_key,'&query=', query_string, sep='','&datasource=',table_name)
Expand All @@ -297,15 +314,16 @@ getQuerySize <- function(api_key = "", table_name = "", query = list()) {

#' Extracting the entire data of a specified data table
#' @description This function allows users to obtain the entire dataset of a data table. The package
#' @description This function allows users to obtain a entire dataset of a data table. The package
#' citation is also printed . In the method, the entire data are directly downloaded to disk of a local machine,
#' so please make sure that you have enough space for the data on your device. The size of
#' a particular data set can be estimated by \code{getQuerySize()}.
#' a particular data set can be estimated by \code{getQuerySize()}.
#' @return A list of data and an object of class \code{$citation}
#' @note Some datasets are greather than 10GB. Please check a size of a dataset before downloading it on your device.
#' @importFrom curl curl_download
#' @export
#' @param api_key An API key provided by a server manager at UTD
#' @param table_name A name of a data table. Your input is NOT case-sensitive.
#' @param table_name A name of a data table. Input strings are NOT case-sensitive.
#' @param citation a logical indicating whether the package citation is printed (default is TRUE) or not.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # to get the size of the entire data for Cline_Phoeinx_NYT
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions R/pullData.R
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Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
#' e.g. either \code{list("USA","CAN")} or \code{list("United States", "Canada")} are working and not case-sensitive.
#' @param start The "YYYYMMDD" format of the first date of a data set
#' @param end The "YYYYMMDD" format of the end date of a data set
#' @param citation The option for printing a package citation at the end of data retrival.
#' @param citation logical; If \code{TRUE}, then a package citation will be printed at the end of data retrival.
#' The defualt is TRUE, and you can trun it off by adding FALSE in the option.

pullData<-function(api_key=" ", table_name=" ", country=list(), start=" ", end=" ", citation = TRUE){
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ pullData<-function(api_key=" ", table_name=" ", country=list(), start=" ", end="
end = paste(substr(end,1,4),"-",substr(end,5,6),"-",substr(end,7,8),sep="")

if((table_name== 'cline_phoenix_swb') || (table_name=="cline_phoenix_nyt") || (table_name=='cline_phoenix_fbis')) {
if(substr(table_name,1,5)=="cline") {
start = paste(substr(start,1,4),"/",substr(start,5,6),"/",substr(start,7,8),sep="")
end = paste(substr(end,1,4),"/",substr(end,5,6),"/",substr(end,7,8),sep="")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ pullData<-function(api_key=" ", table_name=" ", country=list(), start=" ", end="
url_submit = paste(url_submit,url, api_key,'&query=', query_string, sep='','&datasource=',table_name)
url_submit = gsub('"',"%22",url_submit, fixed=TRUE)
url_submit = gsub(' ',"%20",url_submit, fixed=TRUE)
# print(url_submit)
retrieved_data <- readLines(curl::curl(url_submit), warn=FALSE)
parsed_data <- jsonlite::fromJSON(retrieved_data)$data
Expand Down

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