##Lab repositories
Hey all. Due to a misunderstanding of github's instructions, I have created too many repositories (one per student per lab exercise). This does not scale, and yesterday we ran out of private repositories. Thus, we will instead be creating only one repository for all lab exercises, with lab2 and lab3 etc as subfolders. Thus, those who have already been given a repo for lab2, this will be deleted. If you have made changes locally related to lab2, please take care to keep your local copy safe, so that you can move those changes over to the new copy later. I will start to create new repositories soon, and I'm asking that you please begin using the new username-labs
(Posted by Hein: Thursday 4 Sep)
##Lab 2 will be private
We will need your githut account name. You should not fork the lab2 repo, when you get access to it. Instead we will create a separate repo for each of you. To give us your github account name, clone this repo, and add your account name to the file students
, and do a Pull request. (see the README.md description for lab1 for instructions related to doing a Pull request.)
(Posted by Hein: Tuesday 2 Sep)
##Lab 1 Handin
If you experience trouble with submitting lab 1 due to difficultites with git, don't worry. We will not write down any slip days due to this.
(Posted by Hein: Tuesday 2 Sep)
##External access to the Linux machines
Information about how to do a remote login to the Linux machines can be found here: http://wiki.ux.uis.no/foswiki/Info/WebHome and here: http://wiki.ux.uis.no/foswiki/Info/HvordanLoggeInnP%E5Unix-anlegget
##Important: Sign up for Unix account
To be effective in the lab on Tuesday, it is important that you sign up for an account on the Unix system prior to coming to the lab. The latest time to sign up is Monday at 15:00, in order to have your account ready for the lab on Tuesday. But there is no reason to delay; do it now! The instructions for sign up are here http://user.ux.uis.no/.
(Posted by Hein: Friday 22 Aug)
##Lab schedule update
Turns out that the lab room has a scheduling conflict so we won't have lab on Mondays. I've requested that the schedule be updated. You can choose when you come to the lab, but we, the teaching staff, will only be there at some given time (to be announced later). Attendance is not mandatory. Beyond that you can be in the lab when it is reserved for the course or when it is not being used by another course.