npm install nodemon
npm install
npm install
npm install --save-dev @types/
npm install express-session body-parser cookie-parser
npm install -g concurrently
Access using usc email ⚠
- Clone the project in any local directory you like Example using the git CLI
git clone
- CD into the root folder
cd CIS2201-Class-Project-FE
- Install dependencies
// If you're using npm
npm install
// If you're using yarn
- Run the project
// If you're using npm
npm run dev
// If you're using yarn
yarn dev
- ⚠ Please check the
section below ⚠
- Start local frontend server
// If you're using npm
npm run dev
// If you're using yarn
yarn dev
- Make sure your local backend server and mySQL server is running as well
// TODO: Add commands here
- This is where you place images (.png, .svg, etc...)src\components
- Common components to be used throughout the application, you usually don't wanna touch this foldersrc\pages
- Pages of the websitesrc\constants
- Global variablessrc\modules\*
- Where each group will be doing the most work in. Contains files related to your module
Example for #5:
|__ index.tsx - Entry point for the borrowing module
|__ Search.tsx - Contains the search page for the moduule
- When you clone the repository, make sure you are in the
branch. You can check by running this command:
git status
Expected output would be:
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
- Pull the latest changes
git pull
- Switch to the branch your module is assigned to. Example:
git checkout -b {branch name of your module}
// G1 example:
// Refer to the bottom for the list of all branch names
git checkout -b g1-borrowing-module
- Pull the latest changes again, this time from your module
git pull
- To push your local changes, run the following commands:
git add {files you want to stage}
// or if you want to stage everything
git add .
git commit -m [{type of change}] {meaningful message}
// Added table example:
git commit -m "[feature] added a meaningful table 😲"
git push
// For merge conflicts, resolve within your subgroups
- g1-borrowing-module
- g2-seating-assignment
- g3-meeting-scheduler
- g4-bulletin-board
- g5-chatbot
- g6-event-manager
- g7-inventory-module
- g8-grievances
- g9-room-issues