Use version 8.0.0 and above if building for MAUI .NET 8. Some interfaces may not be final, though any changes will be simple to accommodate.
is an evolution of MvvmZero for Xamarin
is there to guide the way, not get in the way.
If you understand the MVVM pattern, the aim is for MvvmZero to be intuitive, and to remain so if
you go off the beaten track to do things your own way.
This library provides an exceptionally lightweight and easy to use framework for building cross-platform MAUI apps using the MVVM design pattern.
- No naming conventions are enforced, so you can use your own, or none at all.
- There is a recommended naming convention and folder structure for those starting out fresh.
- Useful base classes are provided for your ViewModels, but they are not required or enforced.
- The mapping of ViewModels to Views does not have to be 1:1
- can be context-sensitive, or overridden at any time.
- Navigation by ViewModel is recommended and has first-class support.
- Page navigation is also supported, as is mix and match MAUI navigation and MvvmZero page or ViewModel navigation without things breaking!
- Special support for Flyout and any derivatives.
- Special support for IMultiPage (e.g. TabbedPage) and any derivatives.
- ViewModel initialisation is typesafe, optional, and asynchronous if you want it to be.
Configure MauiProgram.cs
and launch in App.xaml.cs
In MauiProgram.cs
configure MvvmZero
and your container.
namespace SampleTabbedApp
public static class MauiProgram
public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
.ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold");
return builder.Build();
serviceBuilder =>
// Configure MvvmZero ...
.MapVmToView<ReadyPageVm, ReadyPage>() // Visualise a ReadyPageVm in a ReadyPage
.MapVmToView<SteadyPageVm, SteadyPage>()
.MapVmToView<GoPageVm, GoPage>();
Register all your Pages and ViewModels in the Container.
registers IPageService
and NavigationPage
in the container for you.
Unless you override the TypeFactory
everything else MvvmZero
is asked to instantiate must
be registered in the container.
This includes FlyoutPage
and TabbedPage
if you use them.
// The root page is supplied by the container!
// AdaptedTabbedPage Because
.AddSingleton<MultiPage<Page>, AdaptedTabbedPage>()
// TestPage/Vm are transient because there can be more than one on any navigation stack at any time.
In App.xaml.cs
public partial class App : Application
public App(IPageServiceZero pageService)
pageService.Init(this); // Required!
// This app has a TabbedPage containing 3 tabs at the root.
MainPage = pageService.GetMultiPage(VmInitializer, typeof(ReadyPageVm), typeof(SteadyPageVm), typeof(GoPageVm));
private bool VmInitializer(object viewModel)
if (viewModel is ReadyPageVm)
return false; // Do not wrap the ReadyPage in a NavigationPage.
return true;
There are 3 sample applications in the repo. They are what I use for development, so they're not pretty.
- SampleApp. Has a root navigation page and pages can be pushed / popped.
- SampleFlyoutApp. This has a flyout managing multiple navigation pages, one of which is a TabbedPage.
- SampleTabbedApp. This has a TabbedPage managing 3 Tabs, 2 of which are navigation pages.
For each sample application, look at:
- MauiProgram.cs for registrations.
- App.xaml.cs to get things off the ground.
Currently the samples use AdaptedTabbedPage
because TabbedPageBug
and AdaptedFlyoutPage
because AdaptedPageBug
If you target WinUI, you'll want to make any pushed pages Transient until this bug is fixed.
The rest is basically the same as found in the Xamarin Turorial
Full documentation and better samples are on the way! Give me encouragement by starring the repo!
Whilst you're here, take a look at Maui.zBind and tell all your friends. It's already included in MvvmZero