This is the development repository for the Kekcoin MemeChain API.
This installation guide will be using Linux/Unix and Python 3.5 throughout.
Python will need to be installed on your system. To install python-pip run
sudo apt install python-pip3
If it is already installed, it may need to be upgraded by running
pip3 install —upgrade pip
Once you have python-pip installed you will need to install the python dependencies by running
pip3 install tinydb falcon ipfshttpclient python-bitcoinrpc gunicorn
There are some other dependencies that need to be installed.
- The Kekcoin Core blockchain software should be running as a daemon. The simplest way to get this running is to download the pre-compiled binaries here Once downloaded, navigate to the folder containing kekcoin-linux-2.0.5.tar.gz and extract the contents with
tar -xf kekcoin-linux-2.0.5.tar.gz
Then to run the daemon, navigate into the kekcoin-linux-2.0.5 folder and run
The following kekcoin configuration file is recommended (we recommend you do not stake with your memechain node)
- The IPFS software should also be running as a daemon. To install IPFS we recommend using ipfs-update, you can find instructions here Once you have installed IPFS you need to initialize your IPFS node, to do this use
mkdir /data && mkdir /data/ipfs
export IPFS_PATH=/data/ipfs
ipfs init
After having installed IPFS and initialized your IPFS node you can run it as a daemon using supervisord. First ensure you have installed supervisor and then enter into the config file
sudo apt install supervisor
cp /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf.bak && nano /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf
At the bottom of the config file enter the following
command=ipfs daemon
Then enter
sudo supervisorctl reread && sudo supervisorctl update
If you want to monitor the status of IPFS you can use
sudo supervisorctl status
To start or stop the IPFS daemon you can use
sudo supervisorctl start ipfs
sudo supervisorctl stop ipfs
Once you have installed the above python dependencies and are running both the Kekcoin and IPFS daemons you will need to run the Memechain Falcon API. You will first want to set up the necessary configuration details in the file config.json
. Once you have set up the config file you can run the API as a process within a screen by running the following commands
cd memechain-api/
screen -d -m -S memechain /bin/bash -c "gunicorn -b --reload api"
Before uploading memes ensure you have run the manually once
cd memechain-api/
Note that this may take some time to complete, the console output will be blank whilst it is processing but debug output is available at /path/to/memechain-api/data/debug.log.
After initializing the API and having finished the initial sync you will need to ensure that the sync script is running via the blocknotify RPC configuration of Kekcoin. In order to do this place the following line as the last line in your Kekcoin RPC configuration file
blocknotify=cd /path/to/memechain-api && python3
Here we will show you how to send requests to the API via the command line. First lets install httpie
sudo apt install httpie
We refer users and developers to the API reference for more details to the various API calls. With httpie installed you can run the following commands.
To get information about your memechain node run
http localhost:1337/api/getinfo
Example result:
"result": {
"blockchain_balance": 0.98731,
"blockchain_height": 604005,
"last_meme_metadata": {
"author": "KP84V1wwcguCDf2PZYbkaWFnhUBAHc1sNu",
"block": 604000,
"hashlink": "068ad67230034336",
"imgformat": "jpg",
"ipfs_id": "QmRxdjrDRbUPZpxaCL51gkAAPbPvF6FQcnTBwgXSMR9bhP",
"txid": "d3940afe92c0c64ccf28841a1715458e411c306942445a53d100f0e6476fdae0"
"memechain_block_sync_height": 604005,
"memechain_height": 19,
"memechain_version": "0.1-beta"
"success": true
Note: To ensure proper functionality memechain_block_sync_height
and blockchain_height
should be at most 1-5 blocks apart.
To find the current height of the memechain
http localhost:1337/api/getheight
Example result:
"result": 2,
"success": true
To upload a meme onto the Memechain
http POST localhost:1337/api/addmeme Content-Type:image/jpeg < /path/to/image.jpg
Example result:
"result": {
"hashlink": "9d1e43fa4d13a72c",
"ipfs_id": "QmX2TTmAyoLFsexSeVt5geRWwXM7PgusxchqMKgwwRx7W9",
"txid": "afe938e0fe7e0e62596f52cbafe27a28c63acdc9f2c6ab97298210b6263859d3"
"success": true
To get the metadata for a particular meme using the height parameter
http localhost:1337/api/getmemedatabyheight/2
Example result:
"result": {
"block": 587045,
"hashlink": "220d8dda1ba25e98",
"imgformat": "jpg",
"ipfs_id": "QmZX8t34x2gUoERqDTNVqqVvNfFNhZpwaWQt9cj8Jc5mga",
"txid": "ceb5881bf95e6cb8a172e1baa244cf9c7949ee67919d2a602065c523d22e4813"
"success": true
To get a meme from the Memechain using the IPFS ID parameter
http localhost:1337/api/getmemeimgbyheight/2 > /path/to/save/image.extension
A detailed API reference coming soon.
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