Python program based on least significant bit (LSB) steganography, one of the basic stegonographical methods to hide data inside an image.
Embed a secret message into a cover image using LSB
Encoding Usage : python -e < cover_img > < outfile > < secret_message >
Positional Arguments ->
cover_img : path to cover image
outfile : path to output file
secret_message : Enter your message that needs to be hidden
Make sure to add the extension for the outfile except the jpg(jpeg) format as it is difficult
Extract a secret from a steganographic image using LSB on the red channel
Decoding Usage : python -d < steg_img > < outfile >
Positional Arguments ->
steg_img : path of the steg image
outfile : path to the output file
For help : python -h or python --help
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install Pillow
-> ( Pillow or PIL )