Inspired by Akmayer's Warframe-Algo-Trader, this is a re-implementation using tauri. Tauri allows for easy distribution to windows & linux without technical knowledge.
- Distribute as windows
- Install size: 35MB
- Idle resource consumption: 60MB, extremely small cpu footprint (on my rig, 0-0.1%)
- Update distribution
- Save data in sqllite db located at
- Logs and setings wil be save at
- easily inspectible with db tools like
- Api client to communicate with
- Easy debugging / developer experience via edge dev tools
You can download the latest release from here
If you prefer to build it locally for whatever reason, heres what you need:
Follow the Tauri Pre-requisites guide to get necessary dependencies.
If you're using Windows, you CANNOT use WSL for this project. You MUST install pre-requisites on windows, not WSL.
You will also need to make sure you've got Nodejs installed.
I would strongly recommend installing git or Github Desktop and use those to download the project source code from github. The reason is this will allow you to download new versions of the code much easier than clicking "download zip" every time.
delete the pubkey
filed in tauri/src-tauri/tauri.conf.json
Open a terminal at the project root and run:
How do I do this on windows?
On windows, this is easily done by click the path:
Then type in powershell
and hit enter
pnpm i # Install nodejs deps
pnpm run tauri build
For developers, you can also use yarn or pnpm if you prefer. (pnpm is the fastest package manager)
This project uses: