Meta Miner: allows to add algo switching support to any stratum miner.
Does not add any extra mining fees.
Usage: mm.js [<config_file.json>] [options]
Adding algo switching support to *any* stratum miner
<config_file.json> is file name of config file to load before parsing options (mm.json by default)
Config file and options should define at least one pool and miner:
--pool=<pool> (-p): <pool> is in pool_address:pool_port format, where pool_port can be <port_number> or ssl<port_number>
--host=<hostname>: defines host that will be used for miner connections (localhost by default)
--port=<number>: defines port that will be used for miner connections (3333 by default)
--user=<wallet> (-u): <wallet> to use as pool user login (will be taken from the first miner otherwise)
--pass=<miner_id>: <miner_id> to use as pool pass login (will be taken from the first miner otherwise)
--perf_<algo_class>=<hashrate> Sets hashrate for perf <algo_class> that is: cn/2, cn/r, cn, cn/half, cn/rwz, cn/zls, cn/double, cn/gpu, cn-pico, cn-lite, cn-heavy
--algo_min_time=<seconds> Sets <seconds> minimum time pool should keep our miner on one algo (0 default, set higher for starting miners)
--miner=<command_line> (-m): <command_line> to start smart miner that can report algo itself
--<algo>=<command_line>: <command_line> to start miner for <algo> that can not report it itself
--watchdog=<seconds> (-w): restart miner if is does not submit work for <seconds> (600 by default, 0 to disable)
--hashrate_watchdog=<percent>: restart miner if is hashrate dropped below <percent> value of of its expected hashrate (0 by default to disable)
--miner_stdin: enables stdin (input) in miner
--quiet (-q): do not show miner output during configuration and also less messages
--verbose (-v): show more messages
--debug: show pool and miner messages
--log=<file_name>: <file_name> of output log
--no-config-save: Do not save config file
--help (-help,-h,-?): Prints this help text
Check for list of possible algo names.
"miner_port": 3333,
"pools": [
"algos": {
"cn/r": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
"cn/0": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
"cn/1": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
"cn/2": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
"cn/xtl": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
"cn/msr": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
"cn/xao": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
"cn/rto": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
"cn/half": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
"cn/wow": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
"cn/rwz": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
"cn/zls": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
"cn/double": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
"cn/gpu": "./xmrig --config=config-gpu.json",
"cn-lite/1": "./xmrig --config=config-lite.json",
"cn-lite/0": "./xmrig --config=config-lite.json",
"cn-heavy/0": "./xmrig --config=config-heavy.json",
"cn-heavy/xhv": "./xmrig --config=config-heavy.json",
"cn-heavy/tube": "./xmrig --config=config-heavy.json",
"cn-pico/trtl": "./xmrig --config=config-pico.json"
"algo_perf": {
"cn/r": 34,
"cn/2": 37.4,
"cn": 36.3,
"cn/half": 73.5,
"cn/gpu": 6,
"cn/rwz": 49.6,
"cn/zls": 49.6,
"cn/double": 18.7,
"cn-pico": 394.7,
"cn-lite": 114.9,
"cn-heavy": 18.2
"user": "44qJYxdbuqSKarYnDSXB6KLbsH4yR65vpJe3ELLDii9i4ZgKpgQXZYR4AMJxBJbfbKZGWUxZU42QyZSsP4AyZZMbJBCrWr1",
"pass": "x",
"log_file": null,
"watchdog": 600,
"hashrate_watchdog": 0
Configure your miners to connect to the single localhost:3333 (non SSL/TLS) pool.
For best results separate xmr-stak CPU and GPU miners (by using --noCPU, --noAMD, --noNVIDIA options).
Prepare your miner config files that give the best performance for your hardware on cryptonight, cryptonight-lite, cryptonight-heavy and cryptonight-pico algorithm classes.
If you have several miners on one host use mm.js --port option to assign them to different ports.
Additional mm.js pools will be used as backup pools.
To rerun benchmark for specific algorithm class use --perf_<algo_class>=0 option.
Place mm.exe or mm.js (with nodejs installed) into unpacked miner directory either by:
Download and unpack the latest from
Download and install nodejs using installator and download and unpack
Download and unpack the lastest xmrig-amd (
Modify config.json file in xmrig-amd directory this way and adjust it for the best threads performance (out of scope of this guide):
- Set "url" to "localhost:3333"
- Set "user" to "44qJYxdbuqSKarYnDSXB6KLbsH4yR65vpJe3ELLDii9i4ZgKpgQXZYR4AMJxBJbfbKZGWUxZU42QyZSsP4AyZZMbJBCrWr1" (put your Monero address)
Copy config.json to config-lite.json, put "algo" to "cryptonight-lite/1" in config-lite.json and adjust it for the best threads performance (out of scope of this guide).
Copy config.json to config-heavy.json, put "algo" to "cryptonight-heavy/0" in config-heavy.json and adjust it for the best threads performance (out of scope of this guide).
Copy config.json to config-pico.json, put "algo" to "cryptonight-pico/trtl" in config-pico.json and adjust it for the best threads performance (out of scope of this guide).
Copy config.json to config-gpu.json, put "algo" to "cryptonight/gpu" in config-gpu.json and adjust it for the best threads performance (out of scope of this guide).
Run Meta Miner (or use "node mm.js" instead of mm.exe):
mm.exe -m="xmrig-amd.exe --config=config.json" -m="xmrig-amd.exe --config=config-heavy.json" -m="xmrig-amd.exe --config=config-lite.json" -m="xmrig-amd.exe --config=config-pico.json" -m="xmrig-amd.exe --config=config-gpu.json" -m="xmrig-amd.exe --config=config.json"
Download and unpack the lastest xmr-stak (
Configure xmr-stak this way (put your Monero address):
- Please enter the currency that you want to mine:
- Pool address: e.g.
- Username (wallet address or pool login):
Enable hashrate output by setting "verbose_level" to 4 in config.txt so it can be collected by mm.js (also set "flush_stdout" to true for older xmr-stak versions).
Copy amd.txt to amd-lite.txt, amd-heavy.txt, amd-gpu.txt and amd-pico.txt and adjust all of them for the best threads performance (out of scope of this guide).
Run Meta Miner (or use "node mm.js" instead of mm.exe):
mm.exe --cn/r="xmr-stak.exe --noCPU --currency cryptonight_r --amd amd.txt" --cn/2="xmr-stak.exe --noCPU --currency cryptonight_v8 --amd amd.txt" --cn/msr="xmr-stak.exe --noCPU --currency cryptonight_masari --amd amd.txt" --cn-lite/1="xmr-stak.exe --noCPU --currency cryptonight_lite_v7 --amd amd-lite.txt" --cn-heavy/0="xmr-stak.exe --noCPU --currency cryptonight_heavy --amd amd-heavy.txt" --cn-heavy/xhv="xmr-stak.exe --noCPU --currency cryptonight_haven --amd amd-heavy.txt" --cn-heavy/tube="xmr-stak.exe --noCPU --currency cryptonight_bittube2 --amd amd-heavy.txt" --cn/gpu="xmr-stak.exe --noCPU --currency cryptonight_gpu --amd amd-gpu.txt" --cn-pico/trtl="xmr-stak.exe --noCPU --currency cryptonight_turtle --amd amd-pico.txt"
- To run Meta Miner for xmr-stak CPU/GPU use this command (need to create cpu-*.txt configs for CPU in this case as well based on cpu.txt with adjusted thread configuration):
mm.exe --cn/r="xmr-stak.exe --noCPU --currency cryptonight_r --amd amd.txt" --cn/2="xmr-stak.exe --currency cryptonight_v8 --cpu cpu.txt --amd amd.txt" --cn/msr="xmr-stak.exe --currency cryptonight_masari --cpu cpu.txt --amd amd.txt" --cn-lite/1="xmr-stak.exe --currency cryptonight_lite_v7 --cpu cpu-lite.txt --amd amd-lite.txt" --cn-heavy/0="xmr-stak.exe --currency cryptonight_heavy --cpu cpu-heavy.txt --amd amd-heavy.txt" --cn-heavy/xhv="xmr-stak.exe --currency cryptonight_haven --cpu cpu-heavy.txt --amd amd-heavy.txt" --cn-heavy/tube="xmr-stak.exe --currency cryptonight_bittube2 --cpu cpu-heavy.txt --amd amd-heavy.txt" --cn/gpu="xmr-stak.exe --currency cryptonight_gpu --cpu cpu-gpu.txt --amd amd-gpu.txt" --cn-pico/trtl="xmr-stak.exe --currency cryptonight_turtle --cpu cpu-pico.txt --amd amd-pico.txt"
Get node and Meta Miner (mm.js) in the miner directory:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs-legacy
chmod +x mm.js
- Get xmrig:
tar xf xmrig-2.14.1-xenial-amd64.tar.gz
cd xmrig-2.14.1/
- Prepare configs for different algorithms (put your Monero address):
sed -i 's/"url": *"[^"]*",/"url": "localhost:3333",/' config.json
sed -i 's/"user": *"[^"]*",/"user": "44qJYxdbuqSKarYnDSXB6KLbsH4yR65vpJe3ELLDii9i4ZgKpgQXZYR4AMJxBJbfbKZGWUxZU42QyZSsP4AyZZMbJBCrWr1",/' config.json
cp config.json config-heavy.json
cp config.json config-lite.json
cp config.json config-pico.json
cp config.json config-gpu.json
sed -i 's/"algo": *"[^"]*",/"algo": "cryptonight-heavy\/0",/' config-heavy.json
sed -i 's/"algo": *"[^"]*",/"algo": "cryptonight-lite\/1",/' config-lite.json
sed -i 's/"algo": *"[^"]*",/"algo": "cryptonight-pico\/trtl",/' config-pico.json
sed -i 's/"algo": *"[^"]*",/"algo": "cryptonight\/gpu",/' config-gpu.json
- Run Meta Miner:
./mm.js -m="./xmrig --config=config.json" -m="./xmrig --config=config-heavy.json" -m="./xmrig --config=config-lite.json" -m="./xmrig --config=config-pico.json" -m="./xmrig --config=config-gpu.json" -m="./xmrig --config=config.json"
- Get xmr-stak:
tar xf xmr-stak-linux-2.9.0-cpu.tar.xz
cd xmr-stak-linux-2.9.0-cpu
- Configure xmr-stak this way (put your Monero address):
- Please enter the currency that you want to mine:
- Pool address: e.g.
- Username (wallet address or pool login):
- Enable hashrate output so it can be collected by mm.js and disable output flush (for older xmr-stak versions):
sed -i 's/"verbose_level" : 3,/"verbose_level" : 4,/' config.txt
sed -i 's/"flush_stdout" : false,/"flush_stdout" : true,/' config.txt
- Prepare and adjust configs for different algorithms:
cp cpu.txt cpu-lite.txt
cp cpu.txt cpu-heavy.txt
cp cpu.txt cpu-pico.txt
cp cpu.txt cpu-gpu.txt
- Run Meta Miner:
./mm.js --cn/2="./bin/xmr-stak --currency cryptonight_v8 --cpu cpu.txt" --cn/msr="./bin/xmr-stak --currency cryptonight_masari --cpu cpu.txt" --cn-lite/1="./bin/xmr-stak --currency cryptonight_lite_v7 --cpu cpu-lite.txt" --cn-heavy/0="./bin/xmr-stak --currency cryptonight_heavy --cpu cpu-heavy.txt" --cn-heavy/xhv="./bin/xmr-stak --currency cryptonight_haven --cpu cpu-heavy.txt" --cn-heavy/tube="./bin/xmr-stak --currency cryptonight_bittube2 --cpu cpu-heavy.txt" --cn/half="./bin/xmr-stak --currency cryptonight_v8_half --cpu cpu.txt" --cn/gpu="./bin/xmr-stak --currency cryptonight_gpu --cpu cpu-gpu.txt" --cn-pico/trtl="./bin/xmr-stak --currency cryptonight_turtle --cpu cpu-pico.txt"
If you'd like to make a one time donation, the addresses are as follows:
- XMR -
- AEON -
- ETN -
- SUMO -
- GRFT -
- MSR -
- ITNS -
- WOW -
- XMV -
- RYO -
- XTL -
- XHV -
- TUBE -
- LOKI -
- TRTL -
- BTC -
- BCH -
- ETH -
- LTC -